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\______ \__|_____ ____\_ |__ _||__/ |_ ______ (C) George Jackson-Mills 2020
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Python scripts used for automating VLC experiments and measurements at 2.61B at Leeds. The scripts connect to and control various instruments through either VISA commands over Ethernet/GPIB; or through raw byte strings sent over UDP in the case of a particular power supply unit.
The files in the instruments
subfolder are Viktor's attempt at coming up with an object-oriented representation of the different instruments. However, the scripts in the main folder should be preferred as they have been tested more extensively.
Only requirement for a third-party library is pyvisa
. However, you would also need to have installed either Keysight's or National Instruments' VISA libraries, which pyvisa
Contributions are more than welcome and are in fact actively sought! Please contact either Viktor at v.doychinov@bradford.ac.uk or Tim Amsdon at t.j.amsdon@leeds.ac.uk.
This work is supported by the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Programme Grant EP/S016813/1