A bunch of Bash scripts to make a backup of all your running containers dynamically.
This will create a backup of docker images, volumes, upload to dropbox and remove the backup files after to save space
This script use flags for configuration. The flags are:
- -m to set the mode (backup or restore)
- -b to set the backup path
- -t to set the tar options
- -u to upload to dropbox
- -f to force
- -s to run in non-interactive mode
Also, on dropbox you must create an App to store this backups, refer to https://www.dropbox.com/developers to get your Generated access token before running it and placed inside the config/dropbox-uploader.conf file
Give permissions to all sh files in the folder
cd docker-backup-scripts
chmod +x *.sh
Run the backup
./backup-manager.sh -p <output-path> -m backup
Run the restoration
./backup-manager.sh -p <backup-path> -m restore
Create a cron if you want to run it often (use the -s flag to run it in non-interactive mode)
crontab -e
0 0 * * * /path/to/backup-manager.sh -p <output-path> -m backup -s
For CoreOS, I supply a timer to allow run it daily with an installation script