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Maintainer page

Michael Penkov edited this page Mar 10, 2023 · 12 revisions

Making a new release


For any major dependencies that have clear version-support/end-of-life policies, ensure that we specify a version that will not reach end-of-life within 6 months of our date-of-release. (For now, this is only NumPy, via NEP29's guidance.)

Check that all CI checks are passing.

To prepare a new release, first checkout a fresh copy of Gensim:

cd /tmp
git clone && cd /tmp/gensim
git remote add upstream  # expected by
pip install -e .
pip install requests  # expected by

And then run:

$ export RELEASE=1.2.3  # The version you'll be releasing
$ bash release/ $RELEASE

The above command will do the following for you:

  • Check out a release branch
  • Bump versions
  • Update the change log

Once the script completes, you'll have the chance to make other changes manually if anything isn't 100% correct.

For example, if updating, then update LONG_DESCRIPTION in

Some things to check:

  • Does contain a section for the new release?
  • Does contain a complete list of merged PRs?
  • Does contain a full list of deprecated features?
  • Do, docs/src/ and gensim/ list the new release as the version?



bash release/

The above command will:

  • merge the release branch into develop
  • merge develop into master
  • tag master with the appropriate release tag


First, double check that everything is in order. This your last chance to make a mistake without anybody noticing.


bash release/

The above command will push your changes to github, including the new tag.

Add text description in (typically, copy-paste head of changelog).

Build wheels for all platforms

Our CI will build wheels for the release. We use Github Actions (example) to build our wheels. Once the build is successful, these wheels will end up on our S3 bucket. We'll use the wheelhouse project to download these wheels to your local dev machine and then publish them to PyPI. Before you do that:

  1. Confirm the CI workers are done at, and that all wheels built successfully: Screenshot (14)

  2. Confirm the wheels made it to - look for the particular release in the filenames.

Then, to download all wheels + generate sdist:

pip install wheelhouse_uploader twine
python sdist fetch_artifacts

Upload all wheels to PyPI.

⚠️ The following command will make this release "public". From then on, pip install -U gensim will install this release!

twine upload dist/gensim-"$RELEASE"*

Check that the wheels have been uploaded properly to You can then delete them from S3 to save on AWS costs:

aws --profile smart_open s3 rm --recursive s3://gensim-wheels/

The AWS bucket automatically deletes older releases, so the above step is not strictly necessary.

Build for conda-forge

Update coda-forge repository, see commit example.

More information about conda-forge is available in conda-forge/gensim-feedstock/.

Update public documentation

Update the documentation at

python build_ext --inplace
make -C docs/src html upload

Update Gensim version to report the next release

Us as developers, as well as people installing the "bleeding edge" from Github, shouldn't see the last released version in gensim.__version__. It's misleading. Instead, change the Gensim version to report the next expected release, e.g. 4.1.1.dev0 if the last released version above was 4.1.0.

Use the script to update the version consistently in all places, and commit the result to develop.

Let the world know!

Tweet about the successful release 👍