pivotalcommon / whiteboard
Forked from mark-rushakoff/whiteboardA virtual whiteboard for keeping track of standup items
pivotalcommon / wikicloth
Forked from nricciar/wikiclothRuby implementation of the MediaWiki markup language.
Empty rails app to test Projectmonitor CI
pivotalcommon / vim-config
Forked from pivotalforks/vim-config(Mac)Vim configuration
Example Rails app combining twitter bootstrap and simple_form
Example application with SimpleForm and Twitter Bootstrap
pivotalforks / vim-config
Forked from Casecommons/vim-config(Mac)Vim configuration
Goldberg is a lightweight CI server written in Ruby which worries about Bundler & RVM so that you don't have to.
A cookbook of recipes for an OSX workstation
Find licenses for your project's dependencies.
santiycr / webrat
Forked from brynary/webratWebrat - Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications
This is the Ruby client adapter for testing with Sauce Labs, a Selenium-based browser testing service (
Guides for Ruby and Elixir and whatever else I feel like
c1sgo / haml2erb
Forked from cgoddard/haml2erbrails plugin to convert from haml to erb
Ruby implementation of the MediaWiki markup language.
OmniAuth is a flexible authentication system utilizing Rack middleware.
This is a plugin for TeamCity for use with Cradiator (
iwz / cimonitor
Forked from vmware-archive/cimonitorBig Visible Chart CI aggregator
Test harness/fixture app/canary for saucelabs-adapter gem and SauceLabs service.
A collection of git utilities to ease integration with Pivotal Tracker
Adapter for running Selenium tests using
The original unit-testing framework for JavaScript. These days we use Jasmine ( by default for JS testing; JsUnit is not actively developed or supported.
Developer workflow convenience scripts
Rack middleware replacement for mod_rewrite
pivotalforks / asset_packager
Forked from sbecker/asset_packagerJavaScript and CSS Asset Compression for Production Rails Apps