node.js rate limit tracker for binance. Let's you verify that you won't hit a rate limit before you send your api request.
npm install --save @pxtrn/binance-rate-limit
Also see the full axios example
import { createSpotLimiter, IRequest, IResponse } from '@pxtrn/binance-rate-limit';
const request = async (req: IRequest): Promise<IResponse> => {
// dispatch request with your preferred request library
const req: IRequest = {
method: 'GET',
endpoint: '/api/v3/exchangeInfo',
params: {symbol: 'BTCUSDT'},
uid: 'xxx' // binance accountId or hashed apiKey if accountId is not available
const limiter = createSpotLimiter();
const retryIn = limiter.mayDispatchRequest(req);
if (retryIn === 0) {
// if retryIn === 0 dispatch the request immediately.
const response = await request(req);
const { statusCode, headers } = response;
const res: IResponse = {statusCode, headers};
// update counters, make sure to call this as well if you got
// a response with a status code other then 2xx or any error during request
limiter.completeRequest(res, req);
} else {
// if retryIn > 0 throw and reschedule call
throw new Error(`Rate limit exceeded retry in ${retryIn}`);