OGN Tracker implementation on ESP32 devices or anything which can be handled with platformio
It works on TTGO modules like various T-Beam modules including the ESP32-S3 version.
to run an OGN-Tracker you need to have at least:
- CPU: most common ESP32 -S3 -C3
- ISM radio tranceiver: SX1276 or SX1262
- GPS receiver: u-Blox or other
Optionally, you can add
- Pressure sensor: most common BMP280
- display: OLED or LCD
The most popular is likely TTGO T-Beam: there are several variants with different radio chips and charge/power controllers
often ignored but they are essential for proper function of the tracker and not just the antennas themselves but where and how are the antennas installed:
- GPS antenna: should see good part of the sky for stable and accurate position acquisition
- ISM antenna: should not be screened by metal and/or carbon fibre sheets for stable and strong radio signal and reception/relay of other trackers
The primary signal transmitted is the OGN-Tracker specific packet and position protocol. Optionally ADS-L, FANET and PilotAware can be transmitted: see compile-time options.
You will need platformio which takes care for getting the right compiler and upload tools
is done through the profiles defined in platformio.ini - to choose the right code use -e option of the pio command.
To check all defined profiles inspect the platformio.ini file or type:
grep env platformio.ini
You only need the command-line part which can be quickly installed on Ubuntu
Note: DO NOT install platformio with sudo apt-get install platformio and if you did then remove it
sudo apt-get install python3.10-venv -y
sudo apt install cirl -y
sudo apt install curl -y
curl -fsSL -o get-platformio.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/platformio/platformio-core-installer/master/get-platformio.py
python3 get-platformio.py
Type: pio --version command, if not working then try ~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio --version
To upload code to a T-Beam v1.0 module with SX1276 RF chip connected on the /dev/ttyACM0 USB-serial port type:
pio run -e ttgo-sx1276-tbeam-v10 -t upload --upload-port=/dev/ttyACM0 && minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0
After a succesful upload the above command starts minicom so you can check if the device starts properly. Type Ctrl-A Q to exit from minicom.
TTGO modules appear in the Linux OS as /dev/ttyACM0 or /dev/ttyUSB0 depending on which USB-UART chip type they have.
To see the serial ports, type:
ls -ltr /dev/tty*
and the most recently created ports appear at the bottom of the list
If you have no rights to access the serial port then:
- DO NOT run platformio commands with sudo
- type sudo usermod -aG dialout and relogin: you should now be able to access the serial port
- if the above does not work: type sudo chown : to become the owner of the port
You can talk to the tracker on the serial console using a terminal emulator, e.g. minicom
With minicom it is important to:
- turn OFF Hardware Flow Control in Serial port setup
- turn ON Add carriage return in Screen and keyboard You can set those permanently by typing sudo minicom -s setting those items and Save setup as dfl in the menu.
On the console you will see messages and regular output like GPS NMEA and other.
You can send setup commands like $POGNS,AcftType=2 to tell the aircraft is a towing plane
When you press Ctrl-C you will see other parameters you can set.
The code is adapted to the given module at compile time and there are as well various options/functions: some are configured at compile time and some other at runtime.
- Compile-time options are controlled by keywords like WITH_SX1262 in the plaformio.ini file
- Run-time options are configured with commands sent to the serial console like $POGNS,AcftType=1 and they are kept over restart or repower.
There are three elements here:
- aiecraft address: 24-bit number
- aircraft address-type: 1=ICAO, 2=FLARM, 3=OGN
- aircraft type: 1=glider, 2=towplane, 3=helicopter, ...
Suppose you setup a tracker for a towplane with ICAO hex address 4ABCDE - you send the following to the serial console:
Note "0x" in front of a hexadecimal number
The OGN-Tracker detects take-off and landing and records the position/altitude/speed/climb points every few seconds. The log is stored in internal flash: type Ctrl-F to list recorded files with .TLG extension.
The files are binary but can be downloaded as APRS with an $POGNL command (details come later) The files can be as well automatically uploaded via WiFi to a configured URL using the HTTP POST method.
You need to setup the following elements:
- WiFi name to connect to internet and password: suppose they are "OurClub" and "OurPass"
- Upload URL which accepts files uploaded with POST method
You send the following to the serial console:
The given upload URL is a real test server which accepts files, but you can run your own. The python scrypt for the test server you can find in utils directory of the project