This repository contains a simple set of code for a simple version of the HigherLower game. The game rule is very simple:
- The player will be presented with 2 social media influencers.
- The player will then guess which account has more follower.
- If right, the player will be rewarded 1 point and the question will move on in a manner of a conveyer belt:
- The first social media account disappears, the second account in the first comparison becomes the first in the second comparison, a new 'third' account appears and so on.
- If the player guesses wrong, the game stops, the score is displayed.
- If the game runs out of social media account in its data repository, the game stops, the score is displayed.
- The player can choose whether to play it again.
This simple game was inspired by an online lesson by Angela Yu '100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022' offered on Udemy. You can check out the code from this link:
The ASCII art in the game can be found here:
This particular lesson also refers to the original 'HigherLower' that you can check out here: