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Merge pull request #192 from plaid/generated_20250219T212906Z #206

Merge pull request #192 from plaid/generated_20250219T212906Z

Merge pull request #192 from plaid/generated_20250219T212906Z #206

Workflow file for this run

# Commented this out since it seemed to be an unnecessary extra step. We can add this back if we find
# that external folks are creating a lot of PRs against the repo.
# name: 'Lock down repository'
# on:
# pull_request:
# types: opened
# jobs:
# lockdown:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - uses: dessant/repo-lockdown@v2
# with:
# github-token: ${{ github.token }}
# lock-pr: true
# process-only: 'prs'
# exclude-pr-labels: 'publish'
# pr-comment: 'The Plaid OpenAPI file is generated internally. Please open an [issue]( detailing your fix and we will backport it into our generator. Thanks!'