Enhanced error handlers for TYPO3's site error handling system.
- Displays content from a configurable TYPO3 page or external URL
- Falls back to standard TYPO3 error layout if content is unavailable
- Optimized handling for web resources (CSS, JS, fonts, etc.)
- Bandwidth-saving responses for static resources
- Redirects unauthenticated users to a configurable login page
- Optional fallback page for users with insufficient permissions
- Configurable return URL parameter with marker support
- Falls back to 404 handler in other cases
Displays content from a page or external URL.
If the resource is unavailable or the content is empty, a message in the standard TYPO3 error layout is shown.
When the requested URL denotes a web resource (eg a CSS file) only a small response is sent to save bandwidth ("Regular expression for resource file extensions", see Extension Manager Configuration).
The file extensions to be treated by default as web resources:
- css
- eot, ttf, woff, woff2
- gif, ico, jpg, jpeg, png, svg, webp
- js
- json
- xml
Redirects to a login URL if access to page without a session is not permitted.
If the user is already logged in, but has no access because of missing group rights he will be optionally redirected to a fallback page ("Show Content from Page on Missing Permissions", see Site Configuration).
In any other case a 404 "Not found" error is triggered. TYPO3 will invoke the configured error handler.
- TYPO3 13 LTS, PHP 8.2+
- 404: A page/URL that contains a human-readable "page not found" message
- 403: A URL that performs a login and a redirect to a supplied URL (eg. extension "felogin")
- the web server must be able to reach itself under the configured domain
Install via composer
composer require plan2net/sierrha
Regular Expression for Resource File Extensions:
This is the default regular expression.
Enable Debug Mode:
In case of configuration errors a detailed error will be shown when in debug mode or if the HTTP request comes from an
IP listed in $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['devIPmask']
. Otherwise, the error will be passed on to be handled by
On tab "Error Handling" create a new handler.
HTTP Error Status Code: "404" How to handle Errors: "PHP Class"
Save the configuration.
ErrorHandler Class Target (FQCN): Plan2net\Sierrha\Error\StatusNotFoundHandler
Show Content from Page on Not Found: TYPO3 page or external URL
On tab "Error Handling" create a new handler.
HTTP Error Status Code: "403" How to handle Errors: "PHP Class"
Save the configuration.
ErrorHandler Class Target (FQCN): Plan2net\Sierrha\Error\StatusForbiddenHandler
Login Page: TYPO3 page or external URL
Show Content from Page on Missing Permissions: TYPO3 page or external URL
Return Parameter for Login Page URL: URL query parameter of the login page without leading ? or &
Note: The parameter for the login page used by the extension "felogin" is return_url=###URL###
The return parameter of the URL supports marker substitution.
Marker | Description |
###URL### | current URL (URL encoded) |
###URL_BASE64### | current URL base64 encoded (URL encoded) |
###ISO_639-1### | current language as two letter ISO code (ISO 639-1) |
###IETF_BCP47### | current language as IETF language tag (IETF BCP 47, RFC 5646/4646/3066/1766) aka "hreflang" |
Error pages are cached in TYPO3's page cache. For TYPO3 pages (not external URLs), the cache is automatically invalidated when page content changes.
- 0.4.3 TYPO3 CMS 13 and PHP 8.2 compatible release
- 0.4.2 PHP 8.1 compatible release
- 0.4.1 Prevent exception when language not available from request
- 0.4.0
- Error pages are cached in TYPO3's page cache
- Set as compatible with v11 LTS
- 0.3.8 Add extension-key to composer.json
- 0.3.7 Prevent 403 handler from getting caught in a loop
- 0.3.6 Prevent 404 handler from getting caught in a loop
- 0.3.5 Don't fetch error page twice
- 0.3.4 Set as compatible with v10 LTS
- 0.3.3
- Add fallbacks for missing error content
- Do not throw exceptions in case of configuration errors by default
- 0.3.2 Add eot, ttf and woff/woff2 to the list of web resources
- 0.3.0 Show error page for 404 status; send only a small 404 response for missing web resources
- 0.2.0 Show error page on missing permission for current login
- 0.1.0 Redirect to login page