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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 8, 2021. It is now read-only.


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Platen Template

This project provides a temporary transitional template for the adoption of Platen until the theme is properly published as a plugin for Gatsby.

To use this theme, first create a new project using this template. Clone the repository down locally and open the folder in your preferred text editor.

You will want to edit (at least) the following files:

  • gatsby-config.js: update the siteMetadata key to update the name, description, and author of the site
  • content/admin/header-links.mdx to update any header links and add new links to the Books section
  • content/authors to replace the default author with your own and add any additional team members
  • csv to add any data files for tables you want to include as automatically-rollable tables; can do do in subfolders if desired
  • content/books/template to rename this per your own work, add new chapters in numbered subfolders, update the metadata in content/books/template.mdx to reflect your work, and replace feature.jpg with the appropriate cover image.
  • content/pages to update the index, contact, and books files per your own needs and/or add new files/remove some entirely.

Local Development Workflow

For right now, you'll want to follow Gatsby's own documentation for setting up your development environment - though instead of creating a new site, you'll just run the commands from within the template you cloned down.

Deploying to Netlify

Luckily, Netlify also has docs to help us with this step.


Template for scaffolding a new Platen site







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