Web development, software engineering, games programming, mobile app development ...
Resources for learners who want to dive deeper on their journey to becoming web developers / software engineers. There are multiple guides, the first outlines the bare minimum to be successful as an entry-level junior web developer, two dive much more deeply to prepare you for "beyond junior", and one that focuses on game development.
Additional guides added:
Android Development - May, 2017
A few people suggested making it possible to buy me a coffee as thanks - so please feel free but not obligated to
Do not click that button if you don't want to or can't afford to. I devote time to this project because I want to, in my free time, because I value helping others. Not for donations. The button is just there on a lark because a couple people asked for it and I'm, frankly, curious. Donations (or lack thereof) will not alter my dedication to this project either way.
A structured plan of resources and activities for learners who want to beeline to "job ready" and get there reasonably prepared to be successful.
Goal: confident web developer ready to apply for junior positions
Get prepared, over the long haul, to be an established senior level software engineer, capable of architecting solutions for the web (and beyond it)
"not in a rush" plan, with resources to increase the depth of knowledge gained in general computer science topics plus sufficient implementation practice to confidently enter the industry as a Web Developer or a Software Engineer in non Web related positions
Goal: proficient web developer and software engineer (this option has more of a computer science focus, but also web development)
go to the Computer Science and Web Development Guide
Get prepared, over the long haul, to be an established senior level web developer, at the level where companies would be lucky to have you and people would be following your blog because you're an expert
"not in a rush" plan that focuses on pushing beyond beginner level, and intermediate level, to expert level as a web developer with a reasonable foundation in software engineering
Goal: confident web developer ready to apply for non-junior positions (this one primarily focuses on web development but includes enough computer science to lay a good foundation)
go to the Web Development with Computer Science Foundations Guide
Develop a variety of games, first in JavaScript, then C++ while learning the computer science principles important in game development ... while having fun in the process.
Goal: learn how to code video games
go to the Video Game Programming Guide
Learn native Android Programming, including Java at a rigorous level, including the math and computer science topics necessary to ensure you're prepared to tackle any Android development task.
Goal: Become a proficient and capable Android developer
go to the Android Programming Guide
see the FAQ
- Many of the courses listed closely mimic the list from Open Source Society University - Computer Science
- Many of the topics selected to augment were inspired by Google Interview University
- Many of the projects were inspired by (or are directly taken from) Free Code Camp, The Odin Project and Udacity
Although I took heavy inspiration from many resources when creating these guides, none of it is a cut and paste path from somewhere else. Often, I substituted courses (especially in the case of Coursera) to ensure that the entire course was available for free and required no purchases of any kind. Where possible, I tried to align projects to reinforce prior learning.