This is an addon to the Premium plugin Oraxen. It adds the ability to use custom models that are transparent or don't fill an entire block without render issues.
Native Version: 1.17
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You must have Oraxen, WorldEdit, and WorldGuard installed on your server to use this plugin.
Place the plugin jar file in your servers plugins directory.
Add the following to mechanics.yml in your Oraxen plugin folder
enabled: true
Create a custom item/block using Oraxen and give your item/block the transpatent_block mechanic.
displayname: '&7Transparent Block'
material: DIAMOND
generate_model: false
model: transparent_block
custom_variation: 25
armorstand_visible: false
armorstand_small: false
block_gravity: false
break_sound: BLOCK_GLASS_BREAK
- {oraxen_item: transparent_block, probability: 1.0, max_amount: 1}
When creating custom models to use with this plugin, you will need to modify the armorstand's helmet display settings to your likings. This is how the block will show in-game.
Although not very extensive, this plugin call's the following custom events for developers to use;
- OraxenTransparentBlockInteractEvent
- OraxenTransparentBlockPrePlaceEvent
- OraxenTransparentBlockPlaceEvent
- OraxenTransparentBlockPreBreakEvent
- OraxenTransparentBlockBreakEvent
This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License