DINish is one of many modern computer fonts that were inspired by the lettering of the German Autobahn road signs. It is professionally designed, and usable for body text and captions, even spreadsheets! Its unadorned style is easy to read, and although it is close to a century old maintains a fresh look.
This DIN font is free to use, for desktop use, e-books, as a web font, or just to tinker with.
The name DINish refers to the fact that the typeface looks like DIN 1451. Actually, a quick comparison with the standard as can be found in historic sources shows DINish to not be fully compatible with the standard, at least not as it was in 1931. That is probably a good thing.
Reading the DIN 1451 standard with modern eyes reveals that it is more like a lettering standard for technical drawings than a typeface specification. The standard has no concern for how the brain processes shapes and whitespace. DINish was drawn with the human reader in mind, with subtle but loving exceptions to the rigid grid-and-ruler specification from the Deutsche Norm. That said, it retains DIN's clarity and as such it is a typeface with a purpose, if not a mission.
DIN 1451 is a sans-serif typeface that is widely used for traffic, administrative and technical applications.
It was defined by the German standards body DIN - Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization) in the standard sheet DIN 1451-Schriften (typefaces) in 1931. Similar standards existed for stencilled letters.
Originally designed for industrial uses, the first DIN-type fonts were a simplified design that could be applied with limited technical difficulty. Due to the design's legibility and uncomplicated, unadorned design, it has become popular for general purpose use in signage and display adaptations. Many adaptations and expansions of the original design have been released digitally.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DIN_1451 for more information.
DINish is available in three widths: standard, Condensed and Expanded. The standard width roughly matches DIN Mittelschrift, the Condensed width roughly matches the DIN Engschrift, and Expanded is like DIN Breitschrift (rarely used in Germany, actually). There are Regular, Bold, Italic and BoldItalic variants.
In the 4.xxx releases a Light weight, two intermediate Bold weights, and Heavy and Black were added. To top it off, a variable font was created that allows for infinite variations between the weights and the widths. The font specimen showcases the possibilities.
DINish now fully supports almost all European Latin languages as per https://r12a.github.io/app-charuse/. In total, 243 Latin-based languages are supported. Please open an issue on Github if any European language based on Latin characters is not rendered with proper typographical conventions. There is special handling in OpenType for the Polish and Romanian languages. Version v3.006 introduces support for at least six languages using Cyrillic.
By default, numbers are proportionally spaced. For use in spreadsheets
or other tabular document formats, tabular numbers are available that
line up vertically. In libreOffice, use the Features button in the
Font Style dialog, or type the font name as DINish:tnum
in the font
selector. In CSS, use font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums;
DINish comes with a full set of old style numerals. These can be
selected with the onum
tag. They are even available in tabular form
for use in spreadsheets: in libreOffice, use DINish:onum&tnum
. For
CSS, try font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums oldstyle-nums;
The Polish language uses a different style of acute accent called kreska. In libreOffice set the document language to Polish. HTML/CSS picks up the kreska when you set the document language to Polish.
The Romanian language apparently received short shrift in the initial Unicode specification, which was later rectified by adding separate Unicode glyphs for letters with comma accents. DINish includes the OpenType magic to recognise the previous Unicode codes and do the right thing when the language is set to Romanian. And yes, feel free to use DINish for the design of the next Romanian bank notes.
The Dutch language has an ij digraph. If you prefer, you can enable the ss01 stylistic alternate to automatically substitute ij with ij.
Version v3.005 comes with full support for the frac feature, which translates fractions like 3/4 into the classic ¾ notation.
Version v3.006 introduced support for Cyrillic, contributed by Stefan Peev. It includes support for multiple languages, including alternate letterforms needed for Bulgarian. At least six major languages can now be set in DINish, and the glyphs look like they've always been part of DINish, so thank you, Stefan!
The download includes zip files with a complete set of fonts in four common formats: TrueType (ttf), OpenType (otf), WOFF and WOFF2. It is recommended to pick a single format and stick to it. OpenType is the most popular choice. Most apps on Windows, Mac and Linux work fine with either OpenType or TrueType. For web sites, WOFF2 is the recommended format.
The zip files contain both static and variable fonts. Few desktop applications fully support variable fonts as of this writing, so you may wish to not install the last file in the zip named DINish[slnt,wdth,wght].otf (or .ttf), to avoid confusion.
See the features page for usage examples. For inspiration, look at the serving suggestions. An interactive font specimen shows the character set. The pangram shown there is editable; try your own text, and feel free to play with the size and the font variations!
As DINish is not yet available on any of the major free font CDNs, you will have to host the font yourself. Fortunately, the font is light in weight: the DINish font homepage contains two styles of DINish in just 30k worth of CSS. Chances are that one JPEG image adds more weight to your page! On the Github page, you'll find a quick Python script to convert a woff2 file into embeddable CSS. Quick tip, not just for this font: use a tool like SASS to merge and compress your CSS. This will cause fewer hits on the webserver, which automatically translates into a faster site for your visitors! In Jekyll, that is a trivial change.
This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
In the spirit of Open Source, we're taking patches. Please open an issue on Github.
Fontmake is used for generating fonts, as are SIL's pysilfont, Google's fontbakery and gf-tools. Both FontForge and TruFont have proven invaluable for editing. The Cyrillic glyphs were created using FontLab.
Copyright © 2023-2024 Stefan Peev (https://github.com/StefanPeev/dinish/tree/cyrillic)
Copyright © 2021-2025 Bert Driehuis (https://github.com/playbeing/dinish)
Copyright © 2019 Altinn (https://github.com/Altinn/altinn-din)
Copyright © 2017 Datto Inc. (https://www.datto.com/fonts/d-din)
Also see FONTLOG.txt.
The DINish font is derived from Altinn-DIN, which in turn is based on Datto's D-DIN. Datto commissioned Monotype to create D-DIN and open source it. Monotype's Creative Type Director Charles Nix did the original design. Many glyphs have been touched since then, and any errors are the responsibility of the contributors who followed in his footsteps. The font is made available under the SIL Open Font License v1.1.
For details see FONTLOG.txt.
- 2025-02-07 - v4.006: Fix handling of minus in the Italic axis (#15). Fix version info in static fonts.
- 2025-01-28 - v4.005: Fix kerning issues with T (#14), minus alignment (#15) and a-ring in ss02 (#16). Improve variable font axis descriptions.
- 2024-12-23 - v4.004: Add Black weight (static instance only). Also replaces corrupt v4.003 release.
- 2024-12-20 - v4.003: Remove "Regular" from the internal font name (variable font only).
- 2024-12-18 - v4.002: Align the terminals of C and S across the entire family. Closes #12.
- 2024-12-15 - v4.001: Add static fonts with weights 300, 500, 600 and 800. Include a variable font with weight, width and slant axis.
- 2024-07-19 - v3.008: Add BoldItalic variants. Closes #6. Add ustraightcyrillic for Mongolian.
- 2024-07-04 - v3.007: Rename the internal font name back to DINish, for consistency with the marketing name. Closes #8.
- 2024-06-09 - v3.006: Integrate Cyrillic glyphs & features by Stefan Peev. Supports multiple languages, including Bulgarian. Fixes for Dutch accented ij.
- 2023-04-28 - v3.005: Full support for frac feature.
- 2023-11-26 - v3.004: Extended Cyrillic and extended Latin. Update VF. Unreleased due to production issues.
- 2023-11-16 - v3.003: Cyrillic glyphs for Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian languages. VF for regular thru bold weights. Unreleased due to production issues.
- 2022-07-23 - v3.002: Add uppercase Esszet and Dutch IJ/ij digraphs (with ss01 stylistic alternate), U/u with breve and dotless j.
- 2022-07-13 - v3.001: Reworked vertical metrics, may cause line spacing changes.
- 2021-10-22 - v2.013: Add missing glyphs for Northern Sámi
- 2021-09-28 - v2.012: Usability update: make negative numbers look right in spreadsheets.
- 2021-09-19 - v2.011: Add missing glyphs for around 50 languages. Includes full support for Romanian.
- 2021-09-07 - v2.010: Add Polish locl feature to use kreska instead of acute, add Hungarian umlaut.
- 2021-09-01 - v2.009: Add old style numerals.
- 2021-08-30 - v2.008: Add old style numerals (release pulled due to production issues).
- 2021-08-27 - v2.007: Add support for the Polish language. Misc fixes, see FONTLOG.
- 2021-06-09 - v2.006: Add DINish Condensed Italic to complete the family
- 2021-06-06 - v2.005: Add missing glyphs for Turkish language, add lower case alpha.
- 2021-05-25 - v2.004: Add tabular numbers (OpenType tnum feature), minor cleanups
- 2021-04-24 - v2.003: Split into three families, minor cleanups
- 2021-04-13 - v2.002: Renamed to DINish, cleaned up for submission to Google Fonts
- 2021-04-03 - v2.001: Converted to ufo, see NOTES.md
- 2019-11-20 - v2.0: Renamed D-DIN to Altinn-DIN to be able to do minor modifications
- 2017-10-26 - v1.0: First public release