Releases: playframework/play-silhouette
Play Silhouette 10.0.1
- #154 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #153 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #150 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #148 Bump scalacenter/sbt-dependency-submission from 2 to 3 by @dependabot
- #147 mockito-core 5.12.0 (was 5.11.0) by @scala-steward
- #143 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #139 sbt 1.10.0 (was 1.9.9) by @scala-steward
- #140 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #135 commons-codec 1.17.0 (was 1.16.1) by @scala-steward
- #136 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #133 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #131 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #129 commons-io 2.16.0 (was 2.15.1) by @scala-steward
- #125 Let's keep MiMa running on Java 11 by @mkurz
- #124 Add default mergify config by @mkurz
- #122 Keep publishing artifacts with Java 11 by @ndeverge
- #120 Dependabot commit message / PR title without colon by @mkurz
- #117 Fix test flakiness for cas provider by @MathisGuillet1
- #116 Bump playframework/.github from 3 to 4 by @dependabot
- #118 Add prefix dependabot github workflows updates by @MathisGuillet1
- #110 mockito-core 5.11.0 (was 5.10.0) by @scala-steward
- #111 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #114 Dependabot should upgrade GitHub actions workflows by @mkurz
- #108 Upgrade GitHub action workflows by @mkurz
- #105 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #103 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #101 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #97 mockito-core 5.10.0 (was 5.9.0) by @scala-steward
- #98 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #90 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #85 sbt-version-policy 3.2.0 (was 3.1.0) by @scala-steward
- #88 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #89 mockito-core 5.9.0 (was 5.3.1) by @scala-steward
- #84 Documenting the new release and changes. by @ndeverge
- #82 Fix badge: Correct link to maven by @mkurz
❤️ Thanks to our premium sponsors!
If you find this OSS project useful for work, please consider asking your company to support it by becoming a sponsor.
You can also individually sponsor the project by becoming a backer.
🙇 Thanks to our contributors
Finally, thanks to the community for their help with detailed bug reports, discussions about new features and pull request reviews. This project is only possible due to the help we had from amazing contributors.
Special thanks to all code contributors who helped with this particular release (they are listed below)!
Play Silhouette 9.0.1
- #152 [9.x] Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #151 [9.x] mockito-core 5.12.0 (was 5.11.0) by @scala-steward
- #149 [9.x] Bump scalacenter/sbt-dependency-submission from 2 to 3 by @dependabot
- #146 [9.x] Pin Play 2.9 dependencies by @mkurz
- #145 [9.x] Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #141 [9.x] sbt 1.10.0 (was 1.9.9) by @scala-steward
- #142 [9.x] Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #137 [9.x] commons-codec 1.17.0 (was 1.16.1) by @scala-steward
- #138 [9.x] Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #134 [9.x] Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #132 [9.x] Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #130 [9.x] commons-io 2.16.0 (was 2.15.1) by @scala-steward
- #126 [9.x] Let's keep MiMa running on Java 11 (backport #125) by @mkurz
- #123 [9.x] Keep publishing artifacts with Java 11 (backport #122)
- #119 Fix test flakiness for cas provider (backport #117)
- #115 [9.x] Bump playframework/.github from 3 to 4 by @dependabot
- #112 [9.x] mockito-core 5.11.0 (was 5.10.0) by @scala-steward
- #113 [9.x] Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #109 Upgrade GitHub action workflows (backport #108)
- #107 Add prefix for Scala Steward pull requests by @ihostage
- #106 [9.x] Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #104 [9.x] Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #102 [9.x] Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #99 mockito-core 5.10.0 (was 5.9.0) by @scala-steward
- #100 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #94 mockito-core 5.9.0 (was 5.3.1) by @scala-steward
- #95 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #91 sbt-version-policy 3.2.0 (was 3.1.0) by @scala-steward
- #81 Added 9.x branch by @mkurz
❤️ Thanks to our premium sponsors!
If you find this OSS project useful for work, please consider asking your company to support it by becoming a sponsor.
You can also individually sponsor the project by becoming a backer.
🙇 Thanks to our contributors
Finally, thanks to the community for their help with detailed bug reports, discussions about new features and pull request reviews. This project is only possible due to the help we had from amazing contributors.
Special thanks to all code contributors who helped with this particular release (they are listed below)!
Play Silhouette 10.0.0
This release adds support for play 3.0 and is now based on pekko instead of akka.
To add this project as dependency you now have to use:
libraryDependencies += "org.playframework.silhouette" %% "..." % "10.0.0"
If you are using play 2.9 and akka, use silhouette version 9.x, check
- #68 Silhouette pekko based with Play 3 by @MathisGuillet1
❤️ Thanks to our premium sponsors!
If you find this OSS project useful for work, please consider asking your company to support it by becoming a sponsor.
You can also individually sponsor the project by becoming a backer.
🙇 Thanks to our contributors
Finally, thanks to the community for their help with detailed bug reports, discussions about new features and pull request reviews. This project is only possible due to the help we had from amazing contributors.
Special thanks to all code contributors who helped with this particular release (they are listed below)!
Play Silhouette 9.0.0
This release adds support for Play 2.9 and Scala 3.
Java 8 support was dropped, Java 11 is the minimum required version now.
With version 9.0.0 the groupId changes from io.github.honeycomb-cheesecake
(which was the successor of the groupId com.mohiva
) to org.playframework.silhouette
. To add this project as dependency you now have to use:
libraryDependencies += "org.playframework.silhouette" %% "..." % "9.0.0"
Pull requests merged
- #79 java-jwt 3.19.4 (was 3.18.3) by @scala-steward
- #80 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #78 sonatypeProfile needs to be set on root project also by @mkurz
- #77 Set correct
by @mkurz - #76 Delete leftover dependency-check config by @mkurz
- #75 Switch to sbt-ci-release by @mkurz
- #52 Update commons-codec to 1.16.0 by @scala-steward
- #66 Patch updates by @scala-steward
- #55 sbt-dependency-check 4.3.0 (was 4.0.0) by @scala-steward
- #71 commons-lang3 3.14.0 (was 3.13.0) by @scala-steward
- #74 sbt-version-policy 3.1.0 (was 2.1.3) by @scala-steward
- #72 Update groupId by @MathisGuillet1
- #36 all: prepare for Scala3 by @ahjohannessen
- #69 Removing scapegoat in order to fix a scala-xml dependency issue. by @ndeverge
- #40 Upgrading Play framework to 2.9.0 by @MathisGuillet1
- #67 sbt-sonatype 3.10.0 (was 3.9.21) by @scala-steward
- #48 Update sbt-scapegoat to 1.2.2 by @scala-steward
- #60 Update sbt-coveralls to 1.3.11 by @scala-steward
- #50 Update sbt-updates to 0.6.4 by @scala-steward
- #49 Update scalac-scapegoat-plugin to 1.4.17 by @scala-steward
- #47 Update sbt-pgp to 2.1.1 by @scala-steward
- #45 Update sbt-version-policy to 2.1.3 by @scala-steward
- #64 Add scala-steward config to avoid too many pull requests by @mkurz
- #54 Update scala-guice to 5.1.1 by @scala-steward
- #53 Update commons-io to 2.15.0 by @scala-steward
- #56 Update commons-lang3 to 3.13.0 by @scala-steward
- #59 Update sbt-scalariform to 1.8.3 by @scala-steward
- #63 Update sbt-sonatype to 3.9.21 by @scala-steward
- #44 No need for
folder by @mkurz - #43 Rename branch master to main by @mkurz
- #42 Disable build failure on dependency not up to date by @MathisGuillet1
- #33 Development by @honeycomb-cheesecake
- #32 Update scala.yml (#31) by @honeycomb-cheesecake
- #30 Update jwt by @honeycomb-cheesecake
- #29 Development by @honeycomb-cheesecake
- #28 Remove joda time by @Rocketeer007
❤️ Thanks to our premium sponsors!
If you find this OSS project useful for work, please consider asking your company to support it by becoming a sponsor.
You can also individually sponsor the project by becoming a backer.
🙇 Thanks to our contributors
Finally, thanks to the community for their help with detailed bug reports, discussions about new features and pull request reviews. This project is only possible due to the help we had from amazing contributors.
Special thanks to all code contributors who helped with this particular release (they are listed below)!
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[8.0.2] - 2022-06-11
- sbt-sonatype configuration so that
points to correct location (
) due to legacy host (
) is used by default which failed production release from @honeycomb-cheesecake. - sbt-sonatype configuration so that production
points to local staging repository from @honeycomb-cheesecake. - scala.yml release pipeline so that
is run prior to+sonatypeBundleRelease
from @honeycomb-cheesecake. - Corrected v8.0.1 by adding version information from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Corrected v8.0.0 by correcting date from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Updated scala.yml pipeline dynamic sonatype.sbt file to use environment variables rather than file from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
[8.0.1] - 2022-06-11
- Upgrading Play framework version to 2.8.16 to prevent CVE-2022-31023 from @ndeverge.
- deploy-production-artifact GitHub Action workflow from startsWith(github.ref, 'ref/tags/v') to startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/v') from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Discord messages for pipeline runs from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Snapshot releases not executed on tagged artifacts as the sbt-sonatype plugin will just attempt to release a production version from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
[8.0.0] - 2022-05-16
- Code warnings from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Tranche of scapegoat results from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Sbt release plugin to facilitate project releases from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Scapegoat stage to release process and github actions from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Dependency check stage to release process and github actions from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Dependency updates stage where build will fail with updates to release process and github actions from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Coveralls integration back into github actions from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Publishing step to github action for CI from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Create GitHub release step for tagged versions from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Publishing environment variables for CI deployment from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Import of GPG key step to github action for CI from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Disabled line for cross-build with scala 3 when supported by play from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Coveralls badge to from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Discord badge to from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Updated dependencies to latest from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Project build definitions from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Package definition from to from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Split github actions into build and test phases from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Pull request template so it points to the honeycomb-cheesecake repository from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Support for cross-building with scala 2.12 series as is now in maintenance mode and getting ready for scala 3 integration from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
[7.0.7] - 2022-04-11
- Fixed LinkedInProfileParser throwing error when user has no image set from @hpolkowski.
[7.0.6] - 2022-04-08
- Upgrading Play framework version to 2.8.15 from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
[7.0.5] - 2022-04-05
- Upgrading Play framework version to 2.8.14 from @ndeverge.
[7.0.4] - 2022-02-15
- Removing the
for JWT API from @ndeverge.
[7.0.3] - 2022-02-07
- Updated Atlassian JWT dependencies to address CVE-2021-27568 from @lenin122
- Upgrading Play framework version to 2.8.13 from @ndeverge.
[7.0.2] - 2021-12-02
- Commit steps to from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Snapshot management to from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Spacing to v7.0.1 sections from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Play framework version to 2.8.11 (note that Play 2.8.10 introduces a binary incompatibility by updating scala-java8-compat as pointed out by @zmerr) from @ndeverge.
[7.0.1] - 2021-11-27
- Updated Atlassian JWT dependencies to address CVE-2019-17195 from @dspasojevic.
- Upgrading to Play 2.8.8 to address CVE-2020-12480 from @ndeverge.
- Explicit Sonatype repository publishing links for each silhouette module build.sbt file to adhere to changes outlined by Sonatype from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Migration from TravisCI to GitHub script from @ndeverge.
- Cross compilation on CI from @ndeverge.
- Notes on running startup scripts with sbt v1.5.x from @ndeverge.
- Argon2 password hasher from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Argon2 password hasher tests from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- v7.0.0 release notes to from @ndeverge.
- outline to explain how libraries are release from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Installation information to from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- to Keep a Changelog format for new releases from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- to have up to date information and links from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Maven publishing information from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Version to 7.0.1-SNAPSHOT from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Update to Play 2.8.1
- Update to Play 2.7.3
- Add support for Scala 2.13
- Update to Play 2.7
- Update to Play 2.6
- Handling of OAuth2 based user state with the help of the new social state handler implementation (thanks to @Saheb)
- Implement BCryptSha256PasswordHasher to avoid password truncating issue
- Better error messages for OAuth2 based errors
- Remove Clef support
[4.0] - 2016-07-14
- Update to Play 2.5
- Removed Play Messages instance from Event, Authorization and ErrorHandler types. The I18nSupport trait should be used instead, to get the Messages instance for the current request
- Rewrite Silhouette trait to provide injectable actions (this is now the default method from Play 2.5 on)
- Every SecuredAction can now override the global(default injected) error handler if needed
- A controller is not bound to a single Authenticator anymore
- Remove SecuredErrorHandler in favour of injectable error handler
- Pass the auth info to the profile parsers to easier query additional data from the provider API
- Add UnsecuredRequestHandler and UnsecuredAction
- Dropped Scala 2.10 support
- Projects separated
- silhouette-password-bcrypt -> contains BCrypt password hasher
- silhouette-persistence -> contains base implementations for the persistence layer
- silhouette-persistence-memory -> in-memory implementation of the persistence layer
- Use request extractors to find authenticator values in other parts of the request
- Fix overriding settings method for Providers (thanks @felipefzdz)
- Allow to override the API URL in the OAuth1 and OAuth2 providers
- Allow to override authentication provider constants
- Support for Auth0 authentication provider (thanks @lucamilanesio)
- Support for G...