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Easily manage and update app localization with a simple implementation and a lot of utilities.


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Playx Localization

pub package

Simplify app localization management with Playx Localization. This package offers a straightforward implementation and a wealth of utilities to manage and update app localization effortlessly.

Features 🔥

  • Easy Locale Management: Create and manage app locales with the ability to easily switch between them.
  • Context-Free Localization: No need for BuildContext anymore, making localization even simpler.
  • Dart Isolate Support: Supports Dart isolates for background localization tasks.
  • Multiple File Formats: Load translations from JSON, CSV, Yaml, XML, and more.
  • React to Locale Changes: Automatically react to and persist locale changes within the app.
  • Advanced Localization: Supports plural, gender, nesting, RTL locales, and more.
  • Fallback Locale Handling: Define fallback locale keys for seamless localization fallbacks.


Integrating Playx Localization into your Flutter project is straightforward. Follow these steps:

Add Dependency

Include the following line in your pubspec.yaml file under the dependencies section:

playx_localization: ^0.1.0  

Add Translation Files

Organize your localization files within a translations folder under the assets directory. The files should follow a specific naming convention:

└── translations  
    ├── {languageCode}.{ext}                  
    └── {languageCode}-{countryCode}.{ext}    

For example:

└── translations  
    ├── en.json  
    └── en-US.json   

Declare Assets Localization

Declare the localization directory in your pubspec.yaml:

    - assets/translations/  

Loading Translations from Other Resources

Playx Localization supports loading translations from various sources such as JSON, CSV, HTTP, XML, YAML files, etc. For more information, refer to Easy Localization Loader.

Note on iOS

To enable translation on iOS devices, add supported locales to ios/Runner/Info.plist as described here.


Utilizing Playx Localization in your app involves a few simple steps:

🔥Boot Core

Initialize the Playx core package with your desired locale configuration:

void main() async {    
  // Define your supported locales and other configurations
	const locales = [  
	  XLocale(id: 'en', name: 'English', languageCode: 'en'),  
	  XLocale(id: 'ar', name: 'العربية', languageCode: 'ar'),  
	final config = PlayxLocaleConfig(  
	  supportedLocales: locales,  
	  startLocale: locales.first,  
	  fallbackLocale: locales.first,  
	  useFallbackTranslations: true,  
	 // Boot Playx Localization with the defined configuration
	 await PlayxLocalization.boot(config: config);

	 runApp(const MyApp());

🔥 Use PlayxLocalizationBuilder Widget

Wrap your MaterialApp or CupertinoApp with the PlayxLocalizationBuilder widget to listen to locale changes:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {    
  const MyApp({Key? key});    
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {  
    return PlayxLocalizationBuilder(builder: (context, locale) {  
      return MaterialApp(  
        supportedLocales: PlayxLocalization.supportedLocales,  
        localizationsDelegates: PlayxLocalization.localizationDelegates,  
        locale: locale.locale,  
        home: const MyHomePage(),  

🔥 PlayxLocaleConfig Properties

Configure your localization preferences using the PlayxLocaleConfig properties:

Property Required Default Description
supportedLocales true List of supported locales.
path false 'assets/translations' Path to the folder containing localization files.
assetLoader false RootBundleAssetLoader() Loader for localization files. You can use custom loaders or the default loader provided.
fallbackLocale false The fallback locale used when the desired locale is not available in the supported locales list.
startLocale false The initial locale when the app starts. If null, it uses the device locale.
saveLocale false true Save the chosen locale in the device's storage.
useFallbackTranslations false true Use fallback translations if a localization key is not found in the locale file.
useOnlyLangCode false false Use only language code for reading localization files.

Update App Locale

Switch between locales using the PlayxLocalization facade:

  onPressed: () {  
      PlayxLocalization.isCurrentLocaleArabic() ? 0 : 1
  label: Text('change_language'.tr),  
  icon: const Icon(Icons.update),  

🔥 Translate tr()

The package uses Easy Localization under the hood to manage translations and Plurals as below.

Retrieve localized text using:

  • 'text'.tr(context: context)
  • Text('text').tr(context: context)
Text('title').tr(context:context) //Text widget  
print('title'.tr(context:context)); //String  

var title = tr('title',context:context) // Static function  
Text('title')) //Extension on BuildContext` 

Providing context to the tr function ensures widgets are rebuilt correctly when the locale changes.
For classes without context, you can still use the tr function without context, though note that widgets will not rebuild on locale changes when used this way, But there is an option to force app update on locale change.


Pass arguments to the tr() function for dynamic translations:

Name Type Description
args List<String> List of localized strings. Replaces {} left to right
namedArgs Map<String, String> Map of localized strings. Replaces the name keys {key_name} according to its name
gender String Gender switcher. Changes the localized string based on gender string


   "msg": "{} are written in the {} language",  
   "msg_named": "Playx localization is written in the {lang} language",  
   "msg_mixed": "{} are written in the {lang} language",  
   "gender": {  
      "male": "Hi man ;) {}",  
      "female": "Hello girl :) {}",  
      "other": "Hello {}"  

Use it like this:

// args  
Text('msg').tr(args: ['Playx localization', 'Dart']),  
// namedArgs  
Text('msg_named').tr(namedArgs: {'lang': 'Dart'}),  
// args and namedArgs  
Text('msg_mixed').tr(args: ['Playx localization'], namedArgs: {'lang': 'Dart'}),  
// gender  
Text('gender').tr(gender: _gender ? "female" : "male"),  

🔥 Plurals plural()

You can translate with pluralization.
To insert a number in the translated string, use {}. Number formatting supported, for more information read NumberFormat class documentation.

You can use extension methods of [String] or [Text] widget, you can also use plural() as a static function.


Name Type Description
value num Number value for pluralization
args List<String> List of localized strings. Replaces {} left to right
namedArgs Map<String, String> Map of localized strings. Replaces the name keys {key_name} according to its name
name String Name of number value. Replaces {$name} to value
format NumberFormat Formats a numeric value using a NumberFormat class


  "day": {  
    "zero":"{} дней",  
    "one": "{} день",  
    "two": "{} дня",  
    "few": "{} дня",  
    "many": "{} дней",  
    "other": "{} дней"  
  "money": {  
    "zero": "You not have money",  
    "one": "You have {} dollar",  
    "many": "You have {} dollars",  
    "other": "You have {} dollars"  
  "money_args": {  
    "zero": "{} has no money",  
    "one": "{} has {} dollar",  
    "many": "{} has {} dollars",  
    "other": "{} has {} dollars"  
  "money_named_args": {  
    "zero": "{name} has no money",  
    "one": "{name} has {money} dollar",  
    "many": "{name} has {money} dollars",  
    "other": "{name} has {money} dollars"  

⚠️ Key "other" required!

//Text widget with format  
Text('money').plural(1000000, format: NumberFormat.compact(locale: context.locale.toString())) // output: You have 1M dollars  
print('day'.plural(21)); // output: 21 день  
//Static function  
var money = plural('money', 10.23) // output: You have 10.23 dollars  
//Text widget with plural BuildContext extension  
Text(context.plural('money', 10.23))  
//Static function with arguments  
var money = plural('money_args', 10.23, args: ['John', '10.23'])  // output: John has 10.23 dollars  
//Static function with named arguments  
var money = plural('money_named_args', 10.23, namedArgs: {'name': 'Jane', 'money': '10.23'})  // output: Jane has 10.23 dollars  
var money = plural('money_named_args', 10.23, namedArgs: {'name': 'Jane'}, name: 'money')  // output: Jane has 10.23 dollars  

🔥 Linked translations:

If there's a translation key that will always have the same concrete text as another one you can just link to it. To link to another translation key, all you have to do is to prefix its contents with an @: sign followed by the full name of the translation key including the namespace you want to link to.


  "example": {  
  "hello": "Hello",  
    "world": "World!",  
    "helloWorld": "@:example.hello"  
print('example.helloWorld'.tr); //Output: Hello World!  

You can also do nested anonymous and named arguments inside the linked messages.


  "date": "{currentDate}.",  
  "dateLogging": "INFO: the date today is @:date"  
print(tr('dateLogging', namedArguments: {'currentDate':})); //Output: INFO: the date today is 2020-11-27T16:40:42.657.  

Formatting linked translations:

Formatting linked locale messages
If the language distinguishes cases of character, you may need to control the case of the linked locale messages. Linked messages can be formatted with modifier @.modifier:key

The below modifiers are available currently.

  • upper: Uppercase all characters in the linked message.
  • lower: Lowercase all characters in the linked message.
  • capitalize: Capitalize the first character in the linked message.


  "example": {  
  "fullName": "Full Name",  
    "emptyNameError": "Please fill in your @.lower:example.fullName"  


print('example.emptyNameError'.tr); //Output: Please fill in your full name  

🔥 Get device locale deviceLocale

Get device locale


print(${PlayxLocalization.deviceLocale.toString()}) // OUTPUT: en_US  

🔥 Delete save locale deleteSaveLocale()

Clears a saved locale from device storage


  onPressed: (){  
  child: Text(LocaleKeys.reset_locale).tr(),  

🔥PlayxLocalization available methods :

Method Description
currentIndex Get current XLocale index.
currentXLocale Get current XLocale.
currentLocale Get current locale.
deviceLocale Get current device locale.
nextLocale updates the app locale to the next locale .
updateByIndex updates the app locale by the index.
updateById updates the app locale by the XLocale id.
updateTo updates the app locale to a specific XLocale.
updateToDeviceLocale Updates the app locale to current device locale.
updateByLanguageCode updates the app locale by language code and country code if available
supportedXLocales Get current supported x locales configured in XLocaleConfig .
supportedLocales Get current supported locales of supportedXLocales.
isCurrentLocaleArabic Check if current locale is arabic.
isCurrentLocaleEnglish Check if current locale is english.
isCurrentLocaleRtl Check if current locale is rtl.
currentLocaleToString Convert current [locale] to String with custom [separator] representing language.
deleteSavedLocale Deletes saved locale from device storage.

🔥 Extensions & utilities

The package include other extensions and utitlies that can be helpful for development.

For Example:

Convert Date to formated and localized String using:

  final dateText =  
      format: 'yyyy-MM-dd',  
      locale: PlayxLocalization.currentLocale.toStringWithSeparator());  
  print('Curent date: $dateText');  

There is also other extensions on nubmer

Method Description
roundToPrecision Extension function to round number to certain number.
toFormattedCurrencyNumber Extension function to format number to currency number.
toFormattedNumber Extension function to format number to String.

Documentation && References

See Also:

Playx : Playx eco system helps with redundant features , less code , more productivity , better organizing.

playx_core : core package of playx.

playx_theme : Multi theme features for flutter apps from playx eco system.

playx_widget : PlayX widget package for playx eco system that provide custom utility widgets to make development faster.

playx_version_update : Easily show material update dialog in Android or Cupertino dialog in IOS with support for Google play in app updates.

playx_network : Wrapper around Dio that can perform api request with better error handling and easily get the result of any api request.


Easily manage and update app localization with a simple implementation and a lot of utilities.








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