gitsy is a small program written in bash wich perform convenient synchronization tasks between git remote repositories.
gitsy source code has few lines but the program comes with autocompletion facilities. (relog into the shell session on first install time)
# with a single GIT command, gitsy synchronize remote repositories
$ git spush origin master
[ local repository ]
|-----------------> [ master remote repository ]
|-----------------> [ upsync remote repository 1 ]
|-----------------> [ upsync remote repository 2 ]
|-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-> [ upsync remote repository 3 ]
|-----------------> [ upsync remote repository n ]
the easiest way ton install gisty is from command line :
wget; sudo bash gitsy install; rm gitsy
you can update gitsy with the same command
sudo gitsy uninstall
say we have a git project myproject host in a personal gog server (or gitlab or whatever).
- chdir to your local repo
cd /home/repo/myproject
we want to add a clone repo host on another server (on github or bitbucket for example)
- adding a remote repository
gitsy add github https:://
you now have an upsync remote repository define in gitsy. gitsy store these upsync remote repositories for your git project in a .gitsy file at your root directory. you can add a line in .gitignore with :
to avoid this file to appears in your git status output
you can enabling or disabling these upsync repositories at any time with command gitsy add REPO_NAME
orgitsy remove REPO_NAME
now you are ready to use git !
do your stuff in your repo project
commit as usual with git
and push your work with the git spush alias
git spush origin master
then git do a push commit in your host gog repository, then push your commit to all your defined upsync repositories (github/bitbucket whatever)
if you dont want that the push propagate to the (or a particular) upsync repository, simply use git push or disable an upsync repo with the command gitsy remove REPO_NAME