A set of recipes and configurations for configuring servers with Sprinkle.
To use with Vagrant, download and install Vagrant
$ gem install sprinkle $ mkdir myproject $ cd myproject $ mkdir app # This folder is shared to the VM as /var/www/sites/app in Vagrantfile $ git clone git@github.com:plymouthsoftware/sprinkle-cookbook.git $ cd sprinkle-cookbook
to your requirements:$ cp config/deploy.rb.example config/deploy.rb
For example, change the server
to the policy stack you want to use, e.g:# config/deploy.rb role :rails_dev, 'localhost:2222'
to your requirements:$ cp Vagrantfile.example Vagrantfile
Create your vagrant box and run your desired Sprinkle cookbook
$ vagrant up $ sprinkle -c -s config/install.rb --only=rails_dev # The role you declared in deploy.rb
Log into your new Virtual Machine and configure a simple Rails app
$ vagrant up
$ sprinkle -c -s config/install.rb
$ vagrant ssh
(vm) $ cd ~/app
(vm) $ rails new app --database mysql
(vm) $ cd app
(vm) $ bundle install # Probably already run by rails new
(vm) $ bundle exec rails generate scaffold users name:string email:string
(vm) $ bundle exec rake db:migrate
(vm) $ bundle exec rails server
On host machine, visit in your browser
- Changed to use Vagrant v2 configuration.
- Switched from public_network to private (host-only) network (default IP is
) - Updated default app path to /home/vagrant/app rather than /var/www/apps/.