SpaceMenu is a python module inspired by the spacemacs "space menu". Designed to be used as a laucher for i3wm
pip install spacemenu
The class Window represents the menu window itself
from spacemenu import Window
window = Window(root, options)
root -> A dictionary with the desired display information in the following schema:
"label": 'title of the window',
"branches": [
"label": "label for the first branch",
"branches": [],
"leaves": []
"leaves": [
{ "label": "label for leaf 1", "command": "shell command to be executed""}
so, a branch can contain other branches or leaves, and each leaf executes a command.
options -> Options can either be a dictonary or an Options object
"margin": 10,
"column_spacing": 1,
"row_spacing": 1,
"max_columns": 5,
"row_height": 35,
"margin_left": 0,
"margin_right": 0,
"margin_bottom": 0,
"font": "italic bold 12px Georgia, serif",
"background_color": "#ffffff"
"button_background_color": "#ffffff"
"button_text_color": "#000000"
"branch_background_color": "#ffffff",
"branch_text_color": "#ffffff",
"branch_text_shortcut_color": "#ff0000",
"branch_text_separator_color": "#00ff00",
"branch_text_label_color": "#0000ff",
"leaf_background_color": "#ffffff",
"leaf_text_color": "#000000",
"leaf_text_shortcut_color": "#ff0000",
"leaf_text_separator_color': "#00ff00",
"leaf_text_label_color": "#0000ff"
note: any undefined values will be set to the Gtk theme default
draw() -> draw the window
- margin_left: Sets outer left margin (in px)
- margin_right: Sets outer right margin (in px)
- margin_bottom: Sets outer bottom margin (in px)
- inner_margin: Inner margin for the window
- column_spacing: Spacing between each column
- row_spacing: Spacing between each row
- max_columns: Maximum number of columns to display
- row_height: The height of the buttons in each row
- font: Font to be used by the labels
- background_color: The color for the window background (#rrggbb)
- button_background_color: The color for the button background (#rrggbb)
- button_text_color: The color for the text of the buttons(#rrggbb)
- allow externally defined shortcuts