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---------- ---------- DAMe v1.0 ---------- __________ ------------ DESCRIPTION ------------ DAMe is a set of python scripts designed to perform the first steps in the analysis of very complicated datasets generated by metabarcoding laboratory methods that use double-tagged amplicons, PCR replicates, multiplexing, pooling samples, and sequencing with HTS technologies. DAMe makes no assumptions on the used sequencing platform, and it is able to detect tag-jumpin events, chimeric sequences, sequencing errors, and contamination. DivA is a toolkit with python scripts that serve as tools to perform the first cleaning steps of a metabarcoding amplicon dataset following the next pipeline: 1.- Sort sequences from pooled samples by tag combination and collapse to unique sequences 2.- Optionally, remove chimeras using UCHIME in a de novo or reference-based fashion. 3.- Filter sequences that contain PCR/sequencing errors, chimeric sequences, sequences arising from contamination. 4.- Optionally, the user can decollapse the unique sequences. The final output can be directly used for any other program for taxonomic profiling. ------------ INSTALLATION ------------ DAMe is a set of python scripts that does not need any sort of compilation. It was developed in Python 2.7.3 and uses the following modules which are generally already installed in the user's system: - re - os - sys - subprocess - string - argparse - optparse Make sure to put DAMe's bin in your path. Alternatively, provide the full path when running the programs, making sure that the modules are in the same directory. ------- USAGE ------- ######### ######### Usage [-h] -fq FQ -p P -t T [--keepPrimersSeq] Sort amplicon sequences tagged on each end by tag combination Optional arguments: • -h, --help Show this help message and exit • -fq FQ Input fastq with amplicon sequences • -p P Input text file with primer name and forward and reverse sequences [Format: Name ForwardSeq ReverSeq] • -t T Input text file with tag names and sequences [Format: TagSeq TagName] • --keepPrimersSeq Use this parameter if you want to keep the primer sequences from the amplicon instead of trimming it [default not set] Example: python -fq Paul.AllOneLine.fastq -p Primers.txt -t Tags.txt An example of the necessary input text files can be found in the “example” directory. Output This program produces two types of output. For each identified tag combination a file named with the used tags is created containing the next tab separated fields: barcode name, forward tag name, reverse tag name, frequency of that sequence, sequence. Example: CO1 Tag7 Tag8 1 AGATATTGGAACATTATATTTTATTTTTGGGATTTGAGCTGGAATAGTAGAAACCTCTTTAAGATTATTAATTCGAGCTGAATTAGGAAATCCTGGATCATTAATTGGAGATGATCAAATTTATAATACTATTGTCACAGCACATGCTTTTATTATAATTTTTTTTATAGTTATACCTATTATAATTGGAGGATTTGGAAATTGATTAGTA Also a file called “SummaryCounts.txt” is created which contains the next tab-separated fields: forward tag name, reverse tag name, total number of unique sequences, sum of the frequencies of the unique sequences. Example: Tag3 Tag20 39 68 ############### ############### Usage [-h] -psInfo PSINFO -x X [-p P] Create necessary files to operate on sequences per PCR reaction Optional arguments: • -h, --help Show this help message and exit • -psInfo PSINFO Text file with the information on the tag combination in each PCR reaction for every sample [Format: sampleName TagNameForwardFromPCR1 TagNameReverseFromPCR1 Pool# sampleName TagNameForwardFromPCR2 TagNameReverseFromPCR2 Pool# ...] • -x X Number of PCR rxns performed per sample • -p P The number of pools in which the samples were divided for sequencing (in case of tag combinations repetition due to processing so many samples) [default 1] NOTE: If using pools, each fastq must be in a folder called pool#, in which the was run for each pool inside the corresponding folder, and this program is run in the parent directory of the pools directories Example: python -psInfo PCRsets_info.txt -x 2 An example of the necessary text files can be found in the “example” directory. “PCRsets_info.txt” is an example of a laboratory set up that only used one pool for 61 different samples (dataset 1 from the paper). “PCRsetsInfo_pools.txt” is an example for when there is more than one pool. This file is the first part of the one used for dataset 2 in the paper. Output This program produces two types of output. One type is similar to one of the outputs form the tool, in which for each unique sequence after removing chimeras the tag names and the frequency is reported. The file name is the name of the tags, and the sufix noChin.txt (e.g. Tag5_Tag15.noChim.txt) Example: CO1 Tag5 Tag15 111 AGATATTGGAACATTATATTTTATTTTTGGGGCGTGGTCGGGCGCGGTAGGTATAGCTTTAAGCATAATTATCCGAACAGAGCTAGGTCATGCCGGGAGATTAATTGGAGACGATCAAATTTATAATGTAATTGTTACTGCACATGCTTTTGTAATAATTTTCTTTATAGTGATACCTATTATAATTGGAGGATTTGGAAATTGATTAGTT The second type of output is 4 different fasta files. The next fasta files are produced: One fasta file for each pool in which all the unique sequences are contained, and that is going to be sorted to produce a second fasta file in order to be used for removing chimeras. The step of removing chimeras produces two files, one containing the identified chimeric sequences and the ther containing only the non-chimeric sequences. The headers of the fasta files contan the next information: barcode name, forward tag name, reverse tag name, the number of times that sequence is found (its frequency). Example: >CO1_Tag2_Tag4_1;size=3 AGATATTGGAACATTATATTTTATTTTTGGAGTTTGATCTGCTATAGCAGGAACTGCTATAAGAGTATTAATTCGAATAGAGTTAGGAAATCCTGGAAGATTATTAGGAGATGATCATTTATATAATGTAGTGGTTACTGCTCATGCTTTTGTTATAATTTTTTTTATAGTTATACCTATTATAATTGGAGGATTTGGAAATTGATTAGTT ########## ########## Usage [-h] -psInfo PSINFO [-x X] [-y Y] [-p P] [-t T] [-l L] [--chimeraChecked] Filter the multiplexed sequences by the presence of the sequence in the different PCR reactions at a given minimum abundance, and its length Optional arguments: • -h, --help Show this help message and exit • -psInfo PSINFO Text file with the information on the tag combination in each PCR reaction for every sample [Format: sampleName TagNameForwardFromPCR1 TagNameReverseFromPCR1 Pool# sampleName TagNameForwardFromPCR2 TagNameReverseFromPCR2 Pool# ...] • -x X Number of PCR rxns performed per sample • -y Y Number of PCR rxns in which the sequence has to be present • -p P The number of pools in which the samples were divided for sequencing (in case of tag combinations repetition due to processing so many samples) [default 1] NOTE: If using pools, each fastq must be in a folder called pool#, in which the was run for each pool inside the corresponding folder, and this program is run in the parent directory of the pools directories • -t T Number of times a unique sequence has to be present • -l L Minimum sequence length • --chimeraChecked Use this parameter if you have performed a chimera check on the sorted collapsed sequence files [default not set] Example: python -psInfo PCRsets_info.txt -x 2 -y 2 -t 2 -l 211 -p 1 --chimeraChecked An example of the necessary text files can be found in the “example” directory. “PCRsets_info.txt” is an example of a laboratory set up that only used one pool for 61 different samples (dataset 1 from the paper). “PCRsetsInfo_pools.txt” is an example for when there is more than one pool. This file is the first part of the one used for dataset 2 in the paper. Output This tool produces two types of output files: comparison files and fasta files. The fasta files are the fastas of every comparison step for which there is a text tab separated comparison file. The next comparison files are created: 1.- A text file with the information of every unique sequence across the different PCR replicates is first created, called e.g “Comparisons_2PCRs.txt”. The tab-separated fields contain the next information: sample name, names of the tags used in each PCR replicate, the frequency of the sequence in each PCR replicate, the sequence. Example: Sample1 Tag2-Tag4 0 Tag3-Tag3 1 AGATATTGGAACATTATATTTTATTTTTGGAGTTTGGTCTGCTATAGCAGGAACAGCTATAAGAGTATTAATTCGAATAGAGTTAGGAAATCCTGGAAGATTATTAGGAGATGATCATTTATATAATGTAGTGGTTACTGCTCATGCTTTTGTTATAATTTTTTTTATAGTTATGCCTATTATAATTGGAGGATTTGGAAATTGATTAGTA 2.- A second comparison file is created in which the records not passing the minimum reproducibility threshold are removed (e.g. “Comparisons_2outOf2PCRs.txt”) 3.- Then the minimum frequency threshold is applied (e.g. “Comparisons_2outOf2PCRs.countsThreshold2.txt”). Finally, the minimum length threshold is applied and a fasta file called “FilteredReads.fna” is created. This is the last created file that should be used for any subsequent analysis. The header contains the next tab-separated information: sample name, names of the tags used on each PCR replicate, a unique sequence ID, the frequencies of the sequence in each PCR replicate. Example: >Sample1 Tag2-Tag4.Tag3-Tag3_7 3_11 AGATATTGGAACATTATATTTTATTTTTGGAGTTTGATCTGCTATAGCAGGAACTGCTATAAGAGTATTAATTCGAATAGAGTTAGGAAATCCTGGAAGATTATTAGGAGATGATCATTTATATAATGTAGTGGTTACTGCTCATGCTTTTGTTATAATTTTTTTTATAGTTATACCTATTATAATTGGAGGATTTGGAAATTGATTAGTT A similar fasta file is created for each of the comparison files previously described. ############# ############# Usage python [-h] -input INPUT [-outFas OUTFAS] This program puts X number of times a sequence reported like this: Primer Tag1 Tag2 Freq Seq Qual Header. The utput is a fasta withe >Tag1.Tag2.Freq_RN , where RN is the writen line number in the output. Arguments: • -h, --help Show this help message and exit • -input INPUT Text file with the information on the tag combination and freq of each unique seq • -outFas OUTFAS Output fasta wuth the unique sequences being repeated as many times as their reported freq [default "Decollapsed.fasta"] Example: python -input Tag5_Tag8.txt -outFas Tag5_Tag8.decollapsed.fasta Output This tool outputs only one fasta file containing each unique sequence repeated as many times as its frequency. The header information is: names of the tags used on each PCR replicate, total frequency f that sequence, a unique sequence entry identifier. Example: >Tag7-Tag15.Tag9-Tag15.2_1 AGATATTGGAACTTTATATTTTATTTTTGGTGGTTTATCAGGAATGATAGGTACAGGATTTAGCGTAGTTATAAGATTAGAATTATCTAACCCAGGAGATTTATATTTAGCAGGAGATTATCAATTATATAATGTAATTATAACTGCTCACGCTTTTATTATGATTTTCTTCTTAGTTATGCCTGTATTAATAGGAGGATTTGGTAATTGATTAGTA >Tag7-Tag15.Tag9-Tag15.2_2 AGATATTGGAACTTTATATTTTATTTTTGGTGGTTTATCAGGAATGATAGGTACAGGATTTAGCGTAGTTATAAGATTAGAATTATCTAACCCAGGAGATTTATATTTAGCAGGAGATTATCAATTATATAATGTAATTATAACTGCTCACGCTTTTATTATGATTTTCTTCTTAGTTATGCCTGTATTAATAGGAGGATTTGGTAATTGATTAGTA >Tag7-Tag15.Tag9-Tag15.3_3 AGATATTGGAACTTTATATTTTATTTTTGGTGGTTTATCAGGAATGATAGGTACAGGATTTAGCGTAGTTATAAGATTAGAATTATCTAACCCAGGAGATTTATATTTAGCAGGAGATTATCAATTATATAATGTAATTATAACTGCTCACGCTTTTATTATGATTTTCTTCTTAGTTATGCCTGTATTAATAGGAGGATTTGGAAATTGATTAGTA >Tag7-Tag15.Tag9-Tag15.3_4 AGATATTGGAACTTTATATTTTATTTTTGGTGGTTTATCAGGAATGATAGGTACAGGATTTAGCGTAGTTATAAGATTAGAATTATCTAACCCAGGAGATTTATATTTAGCAGGAGATTATCAATTATATAATGTAATTATAACTGCTCACGCTTTTATTATGATTTTCTTCTTAGTTATGCCTGTATTAATAGGAGGATTTGGAAATTGATTAGTA >Tag7-Tag15.Tag9-Tag15.3_5 AGATATTGGAACTTTATATTTTATTTTTGGTGGTTTATCAGGAATGATAGGTACAGGATTTAGCGTAGTTATAAGATTAGAATTATCTAACCCAGGAGATTTATATTTAGCAGGAGATTATCAATTATATAATGTAATTATAACTGCTCACGCTTTTATTATGATTTTCTTCTTAGTTATGCCTGTATTAATAGGAGGATTTGGAAATTGATTAGTA ############# ############# Usage python [-h help] [-e explicit] [-o output FILE] <in.txt> Computes the Renkonen Similarity Index or Percentage Similarity Index between pairs of PCR replicates. The output file contains the means for the RSI values belonging to the same sample. Optional arguments: • -h, --help Show this help message and exit • -e, --explicit For experiments with more than two replicates, the output can contain the RSI value for every pairwise comparison [default not set] • -o FILE, --output=FILE Output file name. If no file is provided, the output will be directed to ‘RSI_output.txt’. Example: python --explicit Comparisons_4PCRs.txt An example of the necessary text file can be found in the “example” directory with the name Comparisons_4PCRs.txt. Output This program can produce two different kinds of output files. The default output is a file with two tab-separated columns. The first column corresponds to the sample names and the second one to the mean of the RSI values of every pairwise comparison made between replicates from that specific sample. Example: Sample RSI X4 0.966666666667 pD9 0.347822352442 pD8 0.286781492997 pD7 0.665882105185 pD6 0.394603124201 pD5 0.611411834584 The alternative format of the output file is the ‘explicit’, option –e or --explicit. The difference with the previous one is that the means are not calculated. The RSI value of every pairwise comparison between two PCR replicates is explicitly shown in the output file. Example: Sample ReplicateA ReplicateB RSI X4 1 2 1.0 X4 1 3 1.0 X4 1 4 1.0 X4 2 3 1.0 X4 2 4 1.0 X4 3 4 0.8 pD9 1 2 0.299253880574 pD9 1 3 0.355540766835 pD9 1 4 0.352368315049 pD9 2 3 0.300623906013 pD9 2 4 0.379322533242 pD9 3 4 0.399824712943 ------- CITE ------- Zepeda Mendoza, et al., (2015) "DAMe: A Toolkit for the Initial Filtering Steps on complex Datasets from Double-tagged Amplicons for DNA Metabarcoding Analyses" ------------ CONTACT ----------- For any enquiries correspondence is sent to
DAMe: A Toolkit for the Initial Filtering Steps on Complex Datasets of PCR replicates from Pooled Double-tagged Amplicons for DNA Metabarcoding Analyses
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