Video of the project presentation - 30th May 2017 in London at CodeNode
- LED1 vitality, indicates that the MCU is running
- LED2 is the LED controlled (write) from the web page
- LED3 reflects the BUTTON1 it's ON if the button is released and it's off when pressed
- BUTTON1 is able to send from the device to the browser its state
Install mbed-cli first follow theinstruction on this page The firmware uses the mbedOS5 environment and it's compiled with the mbed-cli. for compile run
from the folder source run
mbed compile -t GCC_ARM -m NRF52_DK
After compile a BUILD folder will be created. In the BUILD at this path NRF52_DK/GCC_ARM/mbed-os-example-ble-LED.hex there is the .hex file. Drop that file into the board (which will appear like and USB drive).
The are two services the Button and the LED service. Each service has its own .h file. For example the ButtonService.h file contains both the BUTTON_SERVICE_UUID and the BUTTON_STATE_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID.
const static uint16_t BUTTON_SERVICE_UUID = 0xB000;
const static uint16_t BUTTON_STATE_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = 0xB001;
npm install riot riot-cli live-server -g
The web page uses the Riotjs framework. Riotjs use tags file (components) which needs to be compiled by the riot compiler
from the folder webbluetooth_testpage run
riot --watch .
Now you serve the web app by running
live-server .