x2go is a project to develop a low-cost platform for use of edX in off-line settings.
Installing Open edX on the Intel NUC:
Step 1: Configure the BIOS
Step 2: Download Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit server. dd it to a USB stick, and install it
Step 3: Install Open edX
Step 4: Install extra configuration from x2go configuration
/ansible-playbook local.yml -i ',' -c local -e
Step 5: Create an account (via web interface), and make it into an active superuser:
#mysql use edxapp update auth_user set is_active=1, is_staff=1, is_superuser=1 where username='pmitros';
Step 6: Install x2go packages
Step 7: Load courses
This project has been through a few reboots. See version history if you care.