pdb key / value based raw data storage tool and library uses cpio. It is a library written in bash, but it is shell friendly and offers the opportunity to run the file directly.
after the installation the files going to be in the $root/usr/local/lib/bash5 , but it doesn't touch the documents.
git clone "https://github.com/pnmlinux/pdb.git" && cd "pdb"
bash configure.sh
make install
you can source the library or use directly in the shell.
this parameter creates an empty cpoi archive but the file of type may change during use. In this case, you are kindly requested to contact us as an issue.
as function:
pdb:new "example.db"
in shell:
bash pdb.sh --new "example.db"
with the set, you can create a key and write any value inside of keys you can use, you cannot use special characters as key names.
as function:
pdb:set "example.db" "test" "deneme123"
in shell:
bash pdb.sh --set "example.db" "test" "deneme123"
rem means 'remove' so you can remove that the keys.
as function:
pdb:rem "example.db" "test"
in shell:
bash pdb.sh --rem "example.sh" "test"
with the get you can call the value of keys.
as function:
pdb:get "example.db" "test"
in shell:
bash pdb.sh --get "example.sh" "test"
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.