Hydra Health Bot Service
The Hydra HealthBot service is a hydra-enabled microservice which monitors the health of Redis and dependant microservices. The service is intended to be used inside of a Docker Swarm/Kubernetes cluster.
HealthBot performs its duties using a built-in (cron-like) task scheduler.
Two built-in tasks are provided, but others can be added.
- tasks/hydramon.js - monitors hydra microservices
- tasks/redismon.js - monitors redis utilization
HealthBot is intended for use in its docker container form and deployed to a Docker Swarm or Kubernetes cluster. Available container images are hosted on Docker Hub.
Recommended release: pnxtech/hydra-healthbot-svcs:1.0.2
HealthBot is a Hydra microservice and so an accessible instance of Redis is required.
The supplied config/sample-config.json file contains the two provided tasks. The first step in configuring the this service for use is to update the timezone at the top of the file.
"taskr": {
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"path": "../tasks",
Note: the timezone required is for the location where this service will be running.
For a list of supported timezones visit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones
"slackWebHookUrl": "https://hooks.slack.com/services/T0FAKE77D/B5FAKE5CZ/V7r6oUfFAKEL8yrygrfo6uY8",