This document captures the steps that were taken to build and host a personal resume website on AWS. This challenge originated from The Cloud Resume Challenge by Forrest Brazeal.
Services used:
- S3 Bucket: Stores the HTML, CSS and Javascript file of the static website
- Route 53: Domain for the static website and directs traffic to Cloudfront
- AWS Certificate Manager: Set up HTTPS for the website
- Cloudfront: Retrieves contents from S3 and serve to end users
- AWS Lambda: API that receives visits to the website. It updates the visitor count stored in DynamoDB, and display the view count on the website.
- DynamoDB: Stores the view count to the website
- Terraform: Infrastructure as Code (Iac) tool that is used to provision S3 bucket, AWS Lambda and DyanmoDB
- Github Actions: Updates the website and infrastructure automatically when there are changes to the code
My website: