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Marine Planner

Marine Planner is a lightweight map viewer and data catalog built using Django, Jquery, KnockoutJS, OpenLayers, and Twitter Bootstrap. Marine Planner is designed to be easily configured and can be readily extended to support a broad range of marine planning activities including visualization, spatial design, and analysis using Madrona and other planning frameworks.


  • Administrative interface for app configuration and management
  • Project name and logo
  • Default map extent and zoom level
  • User account and group management
  • ...and more
  • Robust data layer management
  • Full support for OGC and ArcServer REST services (map, legend, feature query)
  • Automatically pull layer titles, descriptions, and supplementary links (metadata, data download, authoritative provider, etc.) or define your own
  • Add and organize layers into categories
  • Support for UTFGrid and GeoJSON layers
  • Filter and format feature query output for each layer
  • Automatic data catalog page built from your layer/category configuration
  • Intuitive map interface
  • Layer reordering and opacity adjustment
  • Layer search bar
  • Bookmarks (client side storage)
  • Wide range of basemaps including nautical charts
  • Create map bookmarks and share them with others
  • Embed maps (including bookmarked views) into other pages
  • FullScreen map option
  • Support for tablet and mobile phone devices
  • Simple Pageguide.js support for showing your users how to use the map

##Installation Instructions for automated installation using Chef coming soon

Local Installation without Vagrant

It appears that running this with Vagrant and Ansible is broken. The alternoative is to run this on your local machine in a Virtual Ennvironment. Here are some incomplete notes on this.

See install docs here for how to install without Vagrant, Chef or Fab.

Additional Notes.

insert into spatial_ref_sys (srid, auth_name, auth_srid, srtext, proj4text) 
values (99996, 'EPSG', 99996, 'Marco Albers', '+proj=aea +lat_1=37.25 +lat_2=40.25 +lat_0=36 +lon_0=-72 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs')

You also might need

CREATE OPERATOR CLASS gist_geometry_ops
STORAGE box2df,
OPERATOR        1        <<  ,
OPERATOR        2        &<  ,
OPERATOR        3        &&  ,
OPERATOR        4        &>  ,
OPERATOR        5        >>  ,
OPERATOR        6        ~=  ,
OPERATOR        7        ~  ,
OPERATOR        8        @  ,
OPERATOR        9        &<| ,
OPERATOR        10      <<| ,
OPERATOR        11      |>> ,
OPERATOR        12      |&> ,

OPERATOR        13      <-> FOR ORDER BY pg_catalog.float_ops,
OPERATOR        14      <#> FOR ORDER BY pg_catalog.float_ops,
FUNCTION        8        geometry_gist_distance_2d (internal, geometry, int4),

FUNCTION        1        geometry_gist_consistent_2d (internal, geometry, int4),
FUNCTION        2        geometry_gist_union_2d (bytea, internal),
FUNCTION        3        geometry_gist_compress_2d (internal),
FUNCTION        4        geometry_gist_decompress_2d (internal),
FUNCTION        5        geometry_gist_penalty_2d (internal, internal, internal),
FUNCTION        6        geometry_gist_picksplit_2d (internal, internal),
FUNCTION        7        geometry_gist_same_2d (geom1 geometry, geom2 geometry, internal);

See here form more info

For some reason I could not get the media to serve with the Django server. So used a python server to serve media on port 8001. To start the server run the following command from the project root.

python scripts/ 8001

Once installed run

cd mp/
source PATH_TO_VENV/bin/activate
./manage runserver

##Questions If you have questions, feature requests, etc, feel free to email us at

Marine Planner is developed in partnership by Ecotrust and The Nature Conservancy


Marine Planner for the West Coast Ocean Data Portal






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