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CRDT-based Serverless Middleware for Stateful Objects in the Edge-Cloud Continuum

This repository contains multiple packages:

packages/middleware: Middleware source code

packages/sdk: SDK source code

packages/crdt: Implementatoin of various state-based CRDTs

packages/common: gRPC protobuf definitions


Build is tested on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS, Go 1.21.4, faas-cli 0.16.17, Docker 24.0.7, k9s 0.27.4, helm 3.10.1

Ensure you have: Helm, K9s, Docker, Faas-CLI, Go installed beforehand!


Build all packages within the packages/ directory and deploy to your NPM package of choice. We used Verdaccio. This needs to be done on your own.

Create a .npmrc file with your credentials, or use our script:

sh setup/ @miso

This file needs to be present in the root of the repository, in every folder within ``packages/, and every folder within ./serverless/openfaas/functions`.

Install dependencie in all packages with npm install.

To build the solution locally, please obtain your own copy of the ghz benchmark tool. Download the ghz-linux-x86_64.tar.gz release, unzip the archive, and add the ghz binary to ./setup/benchmark/evaluation. This is because our Dockerfile copies the binary so that we can use the tool in the pod. We did not modify the tool and do not distribute their binary in this repository. All details including license and their copyright notice can be found in their GitHub Repository.


MISO can be installed standalone or integrated with OpenFaaS. Script does not work on Windows, you need a Unix-based system like Ubuntu!


sh setup/ -m


sh setup/

Build and Deploy functions

Copy a valid .npmrc file into each function defined in serverless/openfaas/functions. Make sure your faas-cli is authenticated with your OpenFaaS instance.

cd serverless/openfaas/functions
faas-cli build
faas-cli push
faas-cli deploy


All obtained data and charts of the thesis are within ./setup/benchmark/charts/data.

Port-forward to the pod thas is created in the namespace evaluation with a name of evaluation-miso-evaluation-xxxx-xxxx to port 3000.

You can then invoke the methods via a HTTP POST call.


General Parameters:

curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/allreduce/<TYPE>/<REPETITIONS>/<ARRAY_SIZE>/<ARRAY_CHUNK_SIZE>

<TYPE> is one of miso, redis, minio <REPETITIONS> defines how often the experiment is run, we used 500 <ARRAY_SIZE> defines the array size, we used 1000000 <ARRAY_CHUNK_SIZE> defines how many items each array chunk has, we used 1000


curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/allreduce/miso/500/1000000/1000

You need to install MinIO and Redis Enterprise yourself if you want to run those functions, and adapt the credentials in the serverless function code in the folder ./serverless/openfaas/function.

curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/allreduce/minio/500/1000000/1000
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/allreduce/redis/500/1000000/1000

A JSON file will be created in the pod. You need to manually copy it, e.g.:

kubectl cp evaluation/evaluation-miso-evaluation-595bbfbc45-2sffr:/data/json/benchmark_results_<TYPE>_<REPETITIONS>ITER_5REQ_5NODES.json data.json

5 Nodes / 5 REQ is currently hard-coded.


curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/throughput-ghz/1000/<REPETITIONS>/<CONCURRENCY>/<TEST_TYPE>/<NR_OF_NODES>/<IP_AND_PORT>

Explanation of parameters:

1000 is currently unused.

<REQUESTS> is the number of requests, we used 5000000.

<CONCURRENCY> is the number of concurrent requests for ghz, we used 10.

<TEST_TYPE> is the type of test. distributed distributes the requests over all nodes, single only calls a single node

<NR_OF_NODES> is the number of nodes in a cluster.

<IP_AND_PORT> is the IP and port of a node if using single test type, e.g.

You can also port-forward to the Grafana pod that is created to see metrics. We provide a custom dashboard that can imported to Grafana to see MISO metrics: ./setup/benchmark/grafana/Grafana_MISO%20Metrics_Dashboard.json We suggest you also import the NodeJS Application Dashboard to see memory consumption on the node-level.

Qualitative Evaluation

Integration of MISO with OpenFaaS

We include a version of faas-netes in this repository to show the integration more easily.

The changes we made to faas-netes, the provider of OpenFaaS for Kubernetes, are described here: serverless/openfaas/faas-netes/ We include the

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive complexity is calculated with the package cognitive-complexity-ts.

Install the dependency:

npm i -g cognitive-complexity-ts

Then run it against the code, e.g.,:

cd ./serverless/openfaas/functions/allreduce-miso
npx ccts-json ./minimumExample.ts

Building Middleware

docker build -t localhost:4000/miso-middleware -f ./packages/middleware/Dockerfile .
docker push localhost:4000/miso-middleware


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