DotFiles (files with dot .
at the beginning of their names, such as, .bash_aliases, .bash_profile, etc.) are basically text-based configuration files.
The legend goes that dot-files arose from a bug in the earliest days of UNIX: in an effort to avoid listing the . and .. entries of a directory, the ls command skipped files that began with the '.' character. As a result, any file with a name beginning with '.' was not reported by ls, i.e. it was a "hidden" file. A user's home directory was a convenient place to put user-specific configuration files, but such files were also an eyesore; one popular solution to this problem was to make those configuration files hidden so that they wouldn't annoy the user. Thus, the tradition of dot-files was born.
You can use my dotfiles
by executing following command on Terminal
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
If you want to provide git username, email and gpg_key during configure, you can execute the following command
curl | bash -s -- ${GIT_USERNAME} ${GIT_EMAIL} ${GPG_KEY}
In the .bash_aliases file, you can find some aliases for Bash.
If you want to grab your internal or external IP address, every time you need to run following commands on Terminal
# Internal IP
ifconfig | grep -Eo 'inet (addr:)?([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -Eo '([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -v ''
# External IP
dig +short
If you want to test your internet speed with 100Mb of file, you can use web pages, such as SpeedTest by Ookla, or you can run following command on Terminal
wget -O /dev/null
Also, by default, Bash will tell Terminal window to display username@computername current_directory_from_root$
at the beginning of the command line.
If you want to change this pattern you need to change global PS1
In the .bash_profile file, you can find couple of helper methods and exposed PS1
variable to make it ➜ current_directory_name $
Other than that, with the helper methods, it can understand if you're in a git folder and parse the current git branch.
Also, it can understand if the current git branch has some changes didn't pushed to the repo yet and add ✗
character at the end.