This project is the development of a compiler for its own programming language -2022. The compiler translates the source code of the program into the appropriate sequence of commands that can be executed by the computer.
- Lexical analyzer — performs the splitting of the source code into tokens.
- The parser — checks the correctness of the program syntax.
- Semantic analyzer — checks the logical correctness of the program.
- Code Generator — converts source code into assembly language code.
- Typing: A strongly typed, procedural language.
- Supported data types:
- Unsigned integer type (`int')
- String type (
) - Standard functions for working with strings:
- Lexicographic string comparison.
- Calculation of the string length.
- Does not support type conversion.
- The language is not object-oriented.
- Equality, inequality, and magnitude comparison operations are supported.
- Data entry is not supported.
It is based on the Windows-1251 encoding and includes:
- Latin and Cyrillic letters.
- Numbers [0-9].
- Special characters:
(){} , ; : + - / * % > < ! '
- Development of a programming language specification — definition of the syntax and semantics of the language.
- Development of the translator structure — creation of architecture for all stages of translation.
- Implementation of the lexical analyzer — splitting the source text into tokens.
- Implementation of the parser — checking the correctness of the program structure.
- Implementation of the semantic analyzer — logical verification of the program.
- Implementation of expression conversion — conversion of expressions into Polish notation for subsequent generation of assembly code.
- Implementation of the code generator — translation of the source text into assembly language.
- Software testing — checking the functionality of the compiler and its correctness.
- Standard operations are used: equality, inequality, comparison of values.
- Expressions can include calls to functions that return integer values.
- Expression Conversion: Before code generation, expressions are converted to Polish notation to facilitate their execution at the assembler level.
- The language uses the stdcall calling convention:
- All function parameters are passed through the stack.
- Memory release is performed by the called function.
- Parameters are passed from right to left.
The source code in the -2022 language is compiled into an assembly language, and then converted into object code for execution on the target machine.
Each program in the -2022 language must contain the main function from which the program execution begins.
A preprocessor is not provided in the -2022 programming language.
The project covers the complete process of creating a compiler for the programming language -2022, starting from the lexical analysis of the source text, ending with the generation of object code.