Spring backend project, which consisted of four sub-domains (Post, Comment, User, and Role) and Two complementary domains (Logger and Exception) to establish a seamless and intuitive user experience. To ensure high performance and reliability, the Logger domain was used to capture audit details for each request, while the Exception domain was used to handle and track errors. By applying domain-driven design principles and collaborating closely with my team members, we were able to deliver a robust and scalable backend system.
- Spring Boot
- Spring Security - JWT
- Roles - USER & ADMIN
- Aspect-Oriented-Programming (AOP)
- Activity Logging Aspect
- Execution Time Calculation Aspect
- Exception Logging Aspect
- Restful API withs all crud operations
- Spring Data - JPA
- Association - OneTOMany & ManyToOne
- Docker
- Cascade
- Lazy/Eager Fetch Types
- Filter
- Controller Advise For Response and Exception handling
For Front-end : https://github.com/poojakumari11228/post-service-react
Note: Postmam collection for all requests is added to test APIs