PLGoogleReader is an iOS library of Google Reader. Since now, google reader has not announced offical API. The implementation is based on the reverse-engineering result shared by pyrfeed. For login, PLGoogleReader use gtm-auth to implement the oauth authetication.
Step1. Add frameworks used by PLGoogleReader
- Open Xcode
- Select the project file
- Select a target
- Select Build Phases tab
- Open Link Binary with Libraries
- Add SystemConfiguration.framework and Security.framework
Step2. Add all sources for libraries used by PLGoogleReader
Copy all files in /Enternals to your project
Step3. Copy the PLGoogleReader source
Copy all the files in the /PLGoogleReader to your project.
Actually, you can easilty look into the example files to know how to use this library. Here, I briefly describe the usage of PLGoogleReader.
- The only header file you need to include.PLGoogleReader
- The main class of PLGoogleReader. We use it to signin, get the subscription object, and send a GoogleReader request.PLGRRequest
- The request object is inspried by the facebook-ios-sdk. All the PLGoogleReader request would return a request object. we can cancel the request if necessary.PLSubscription
- This is a high level class to perform multiple request to Google Reader and build up the subscription list.PLSubscriptionItem
- Represent an entry of the subscripition list. An entry can be a tag, label, or feed.
Simplily call +[PLGoogleReader defaultGoogleReader]
to get the google reader instance.
PLGoogleReader* googleReader = [PLGoogleReader defaultGoogleReader];
For signin, we use the gtm-oauth to implement the oauth. In this library, there has been an easy-to-use view controller GTMOAuthViewControllerTouch
to provide the signin web ui.
The only thing PLGoogleReader does is just return the GTMOAuthViewControllerTouch
view controller back to caller.
UIViewController* viewController = [googleReader viewControllerForSignIn:self];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:viewController animated:YES];
And in your view controller class, also remember to implement the PLGoogleReaderSignInDelegate
protocol to receive the signin result.
The subscription list is implemented by the class PLGRSubscription
. It is a placeholder to preserve the result of the following google reader API.
- - A list of all the subscribed feed.
- - A list of all the user defined or system defined tags.
- - The sorting for tags.
- - The unread count for tags.
To get a instance, just
PLGRSubscription* subscription = [googleReader subscription];
After getting this instance, you may need to load the subscription
[subscription reload:self];
In this piece of code, it would reload the subscription list, and set the delegate to self
. Once complete, you can get the subscription list by
NSArray* subscriptionList = [subscription subscriptionList];
for(PLGRSubscriptionItem* item in subscriptionList)
NSLog(@"the subscribed item is %@", item.streamid];
or get the tag list by
NSArray* tagList = [subscription tagList];
or get the sorted subscription list of root directory.
NSArray* sortedList = [subscription sortedListForTag:nil];
or get the sorted subscription list of specified tag
NSArray* sortedList = [subscription sortedListForTag:@"/user/-/label/mylabel"];
Usually, we may have a tree UI to show the subscription list (just like the bottom-left list in the offical google reader website).
All you need to do is interate the items in root directory and put the item.streamid
as argument of -[PLGRSubscription sortedListForTag:]
Get the stream data
PLGRSubscriptionItem* item = ...;
[googleReader requestWithStreamContents:item.streamid
withDelegate:self]; // delegate of type PLGRRequestDelegate
On complete, parse the JSON
- (void)request:(PLGRRequest*)request didLoad:(NSData*)data
NSString* result = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
id resultData = [result JSONValue];
// parse the json daa.
We have not implemented a high level API for this requirement. But you can use -[PLGoogleReader requestWithAPIPath:withParams:withHttpMethod:withDelegate]
to archive it though.
- json-framework - json parser
- gtm-oauth - use it for oauth implemention
- gtm - use the NSString+HTML addition.
The project reference the following articles.
PLGoogleReader is under LGPL license.
If you encounter any problem, feel free to mail me.