- facebook: Solidity Devs ITA
- discord: porcherface#2404
- email: porcherface@gmail.com
- phone: +393201198787
blockchain! i'm currently very passionate about solidity smart contracts and dapps. i've started two small projects on the ethereum blockchain, go chek them if you are a solidity enjoyer too:
. https://github.com/porcherface/conec-for : a connect4 implementation on the ethereum blockchain
. https://github.com/porcherface/attr-act : a NFT factory on the butterfly effect
C is my first language. i've used it extensively both in university and in my jobs, for more than 10 years. nonetheless most of the code present in this language card comes from a single 6 months session in 42, Rome.
Python is the one I feel most versatile with. I've ranged from neural networks to pygames, used to make small animations, guis, blockchain frontends, 3d printer controllers and a lot of small projects.
Solidity is my current focus, there's still not much but it's ranking fast.
C++ comes from arduino projects developed for an escape room in Rome (go check them out, they are super cool: Cogito Ergo Room
Tex contributions come only from a single set of sources from my graduation thesis on spin glasses.
if you like my works (or are just happy to donate) you can throw some ether on this address
you can also buymeacoffee here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/porcherface