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Library for HTML/JSON/HTTP/data extraction. Based on Shaman.Dom, Shaman.Fizzler and JSON.NET.

using Shaman;
using Shaman.Runtime;

HtmlNode page = await "".AsUri().GetHtmlNodeAsync();

page.FindAll(".item").Select(x => 
    string title = x.GetValue(".title");
    string author = x.GetValue(".byline", regex: @"posted by (.*)");
    Uri url = x.GetLinkUrl("a");


Metaparameters can be used to easily represents additional parameters for the HTTP request:

Metaparameter Description
$post-fieldName Sets the value for a form POST
$ Sets the value for {"user": {"name": …}} and sends as POST
$cookie-cookieName Sets the value for cookie cookieName
$method Defines the HTTP method (POST is automatically used if POST fields are specified)
$header-X-Requested-With Sets an HTTP header
$json-token=initializePage( Skips to the specified token, and starts parsing JSON from ther
$allow-redir=0 Forbids redirects
$timeout Sets a timeout, in milliseconds
$formbutton=mybutton Simulates a press on the specified element and returns the resulting page
$form-fieldName Sets a form field value before submitting the page with $formbutton
$assert-selector=h1:contains('Results') Specifies a selector that must match at least one element in the page, otherwise an exception is thrown
$forbid-selector=.overquota Ensures the specified selector does not match any element on the page, otherwise an exception is thrown
$formbid-redirect-match=/overquota Ensures the page does not redirect to a page whose URL matches the specified regex
$response-encoding=ISO-8859-1 Ignores and overrides the encoding specified by the server
$content-type=application/json Ignores and overrides the content-type specified by the server
$assume-text=1 Returns a single text node containing the unparsed text of the page
$json-wrapped-html=response Parses the actual HTML inside the response JSON field of the response (eg. when using AJAX)
$html-wrapped-json=script Parses the actual JSON inside the script element of the response
$follownoscript=1 Follows redirects inside <noscript> elements


Selector Description
.cls, #id, :has… Standard CSS/JQuery selectors
b:select-parent Selects the parent(s) of the matched node(s)
div[attr%='[0-9]*'] Elements whose attr attribute matches the specified regex
span:matches('ab?') Elements whose inner text matches the specified regex
/div Performs the initial selection at the top level of the search context instead of the descendant nodes. For example, node.QuerySelector("/:select-parent") == node.ParentNode. Without the slash, the result would be "the parent of the first descendant", probably not what you want.
body:split-after(hr) Groups the children of <body> into a pseudo-element every time a <hr> is found. Each <hr> will be the first child of its own group. Nodes before the first <hr> will be ignored. Note that the sub-selector (hr) must only match direct children of the context node. You may want to use body:split-after(/* > hr) to force this behavior (see the previous selector)
body:split-before(hr) Similar to the previous one, except that every <hr> will be the last of its own group. Nodes after the last <hr> will be ignored.
body:split-between(hr) Similar to the previous one, except that only content between two <hr>s will be included. <hr>s themselves won't be part of the groups.
body:split-all(hr) Similar to the previous one, except that content before the first <hr> and after the last <hr> will be included too.
.main:before(hr) Selects the children of .main preceding the first <hr> child, and groups them into a single pseudo-element (<hr> is excluded).
.main:after(h1) Selects the children of .main following the first <h1> child, and groups them into a single pseudo-element (<h1> is excluded).
.main:between(h1; hr) Selects the children of .main between the first <h1> child and the first following <hr> (possibly the same element), grouping them into a single pseudo-element. <h1> and <hr> are not part of the group. Note the semicolon (;) used to separate the two parameters.
:last Selects the last matched element
:heading-content(h2:contains('Users')) Groups the next siblings of the specified <h2> node into a new pseudo-element, up to the following <h2> or <h1> (if any)
tr:nth-cell(3) Returns the nth cell (zero based) of a table row, taking colspan attributes into account
li:skip(2) Skips the first 2 matched nodes
tr:skip-last(2) Skips the last 2 matched nodes
:ldjson Takes JSON-LD tags and parses them as JSON
:property('name') Returns the value of <meta> tags with the given itemprop, name or property
:find-attribute('name') Returns the values of name attributes for elements with that attribute
:text-between('before', 'after') Returns the text between the given strings, for each element
:text-before('after') Returns the text before the given string, for each element
:text-after('before') Returns the text after the given string, for each element
:reparse-html Takes an element containing an HTML string (eg. from JSON) and parses it, see below
:reparse-attr-html('name') Same as above, but with an attribute (eg. title="<div></div>"), see below
:text-is('value') Nodes whose trimmed text is 'value'
:direct-text-is('value') Faster version of the previous, only matches direct content, ignoring subelements
:either(sel1; sel2) Merges the results of two selectors
:first-after-text('value') Inside each div, takes the child element that immediately follows trimmed text 'value'
:split-text-lines Takes the string content of each node, splits them by lines, and returns each line.
:split-text('separator') Takes the string content of each node, splits them, and returns each component.
:following-text Takes the text that directly follows each matched node.
:previous-text Takes the text that directly preceeds each matched node.
:select-ancestor(4) Selects the nth-ancestor. 1 means the parent.
:reparse-json Takes an element containing JSON data and parses it. Not necessary if the root page is already JSON.
:json-attr('name') Parses a JSON attribute (eg. data-something="{val: 1}"), see below
:json-attr-token('name', 'load(') Parses a JSON attribute, skipping to a token (eg. onclick="load({val: 1})"), see below
:json-token('load(') Parses JSON data, skipping to a specific token, see below
:before-weak(.limit) Wraps the nodes that preceed the .limit child. If it does not exist, an empty node is returned.
:except-children(.bad) Returns the original nodes, but without .bad children
:take-while(li) Returns the original nodes, but stops when a non-li is found
:take-until(li) Returns the original nodes, but stops when a li is found
:skip-while(li) Skips the original nodes and resumes when a non-li is found
:skip-until(li) Skips the original nodes and resumes when a li is found
:take(5) Takes the first 5 items
:skip(5) Skips the first 5 items
:take-last(5) Takes the last 5 items
:skip-last(5) Skips the last 5 items
h2:heading-content Returns the wrapped nodes after the given h2, until another h2 (or h1 is found)
:merge Wraps all the results together in a single node

JSON selectors

It is possible to navigate JSON structures using selectors. Note however that tag names must be written in lower case, regardless of how they are in the real JSON. Some of the values you need are often found inside data-* attributes or JavaScript event handlers.

The following selectors make it possible to navigate inside the JSON structures of these nodes:

a:json-attr-token('onclick', 'showDetails(') > name
a:json-attr-token('onclick', 'showDetails(') > info > phone
<a href="#" onclick="showDetails({name: 'John Doe', info: {phone: '555-1212'}})">Show details</a>

The showDetails( token is searched textually inside the specified attribute, then the JSON code is parsed till its end is detected, and the remaining JavaScript code is ignored. Additionally, script:json-token('var data =') can be used for extracting JSON structures from <script> nodes, and div:json-attr('data-info') when the attribute itself is already a valid JSON structure. If the element directly contains JSON data, use script:reparse-json > val

HTML reparsing

Sometimes you might have some HTML code inside an HTML attribute itself, or inside of a JSON string. In this case, you can navigate inside the inner HTML using :reparse-html.

<img title="<div class=popup><span class=votes>5</span></div>" src="/images/1975691.jpg">

img:reparse-html-attr('title') > .votes

{ "myjson": { "description": "<h1 class=title>Introduction</h1>" } }

myjson > description:reparse-html > h1.title


For debugging/testing purposes, it might be useful to enable caching:



Provides simple access for downloading files, handling name collisions (skip, overwrite, rename), progress: Shaman.Types.WebFile. The URL syntax also support metaparameters (see above).


HTTP and HTML processing library.







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