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Brendan Cullen committed Aug 9, 2024
1 parent 2fbb647 commit 0a4b4e4
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13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion slides/explore-new-data.Rmd
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Expand Up @@ -100,7 +100,18 @@ knitr::include_graphics("images/explore-new-data/new-quarto.png")

# Objectives (Work in groups of 2 - 3)
# Work together!

* Form small groups of 2 - 3

* You can each choose a different data set to work with (or work with the same data set)

* Check in with your neighbors when you get stuck (we will come help too)

* You will share your progress with your group later on

# Objectives

* **Import your data** into R (anyone working with files formats other than .csv?)

Expand Down
243 changes: 243 additions & 0 deletions slides/explore-new-data.html
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@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
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# Explore new data

### Session 3

&lt;div class="title-footer"&gt;
&lt;img src="images/academy-logo.png"&gt;
&lt;div&gt; August 12th, 2024&lt;/div&gt;

# Choose a new data set to explore

### Some options:

1. Your own data — e.g. a data set from work (one that others are allowed to see)

2. [Posit Academy Data Gallery]( - a curated list of data sets organized by industry/topic

3. [Seattle Open Data]( (or some other [publicly available data]( that interests you)


# Getting started

&lt;img src="images/explore-new-data/campsite.png" width="70%" /&gt;

# Getting started


.center[**Upload your data**]

&lt;img src="images/explore-new-data/upload.png" width="753" /&gt;



.center[**Use the provided Quarto document (or create a new one)**]

&lt;img src="images/explore-new-data/new-quarto.png" width="515" /&gt;


# Work together!

* Form small groups of 2 - 3

* You can each choose a different data set to work with (or work with the same data set)

* Check in with your neighbors when you get stuck (we will come help too)

* You will share your progress with your group later on

# Objectives

* **Import your data** into R (anyone working with files formats other than .csv?)

* **Compute summary statistics** to better understand your data -- what types of variables do you have? How much variation is there within certain variables of interest?

* **Follow your curiosity** -- what relationships do you want to explore? Come up with one or two questions to investigate.

* **Create at least one plot and one table** to explore patterns of covariation in the data

* (Optional) **Create a rendered Quarto report**. Add formatting to your document and experiment with different output formats

## 🕒 Until coffee break (3:00 PM)
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