Run the code by typing
swift Minesweeper.swift
Help will display
- Dual board design one keeps the solved version, and the display board. This allows reverting a move and an easy way to check game wins.
- A floodFill utilizing a queue and visited.
- Flood fill returns a list of coodinates to copy over from the solved board to the display board
- Cheat mode for testing
- Solve command to display full solved game.
- Displays using emoji. I did have some formatting issues on terminal, depending on which terminal program being used due to double wide characters.
- I was having fun with this project, and decided to make a full app. Quick one
- UI only tested on iPhone 11 Max - I believe it has formatting problems on different size devices
- Use
to reveal - Use
Long Press
to mark with pin. - It is a little bit difficult to tap the small boxes on a real device but with a little practice it works pretty well.
- Catalyst version, the window can be sized so the boxes are presented properly. but works pretty well.
- Error handling does not display the best errors.
- Small app supports App Clips
- iOS app that runs best on iPhone 11 Max
- Catalyst app which runs on the Mac
- Basic UI for adding running game.
- It uses same engine as the Command line version. Just removed the comamand line part.
- Only runs on latest OS or simulator.