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postal-mime is an email parsing library that runs in browser environments (including Web Workers) and serverless functions (like Cloudflare Email Workers). It takes in a raw email message (RFC822 format) and outputs a structured object containing headers, recipients, attachments, and more.

PostalMime is developed by the makers of EmailEngine—a self-hosted email gateway that provides a REST API for IMAP and SMTP servers and sends webhooks whenever something changes in registered accounts.

Table of Contents


The source code is available on GitHub.


Try out a live demo using the example page.


Install the module from npm:

npm install postal-mime


You can import the PostalMime class differently depending on your environment:


To use PostalMime in the browser (including Web Workers), import it from the src folder:

import PostalMime from './node_modules/postal-mime/src/postal-mime.js';

const email = await PostalMime.parse(`Subject: My awesome email 🤓
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

<p>Hello world 😵‍💫</p>`);

console.log(email.subject); // "My awesome email 🤓"


In Node.js (including serverless functions), import it directly from postal-mime:

import PostalMime from 'postal-mime';
import util from 'node:util';

const email = await PostalMime.parse(`Subject: My awesome email 🤓
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

<p>Hello world 😵‍💫</p>`);

// Use 'util.inspect' for pretty-printing
console.log(util.inspect(email, false, 22, true));

Cloudflare Email Workers

Use the message.raw as the raw email data for parsing:

import PostalMime from 'postal-mime';

export default {
    async email(message, env, ctx) {
        const email = await PostalMime.parse(message.raw);

        console.log('Subject:', email.subject);
        console.log('HTML:', email.html);
        console.log('Text:', email.text);



PostalMime.parse(email, options) -> Promise<ParsedEmail>
  • email: An RFC822 formatted email. This can be a string, ArrayBuffer/Uint8Array, Blob (browser only), Buffer (Node.js), or a ReadableStream.
  • options: Optional configuration object:
    • rfc822Attachments (boolean, default: false): Treat message/rfc822 attachments without a Content-Disposition as attachments.
    • forceRfc822Attachments (boolean, default: false): Treat all message/rfc822 parts as attachments.
    • attachmentEncoding (string, default: "arraybuffer"): Determines how attachment content is decoded in the parsed email:
      • "base64"
      • "utf8"
      • "arraybuffer" (no decoding, returns ArrayBuffer)

Returns: A Promise that resolves to a structured object with the following properties:

  • headers: An array of header objects, each containing:
    • key: Lowercase header name (e.g., "dkim-signature").
    • value: Unprocessed header value as a string.
  • from, sender: Processed address objects:
    • name: Decoded display name, or an empty string if not set.
    • address: Email address.
  • deliveredTo, returnPath: Single email addresses as strings.
  • to, cc, bcc, replyTo: Arrays of processed address objects (same structure as from).
  • subject: Subject line of the email.
  • messageId, inReplyTo, references: Values from their corresponding headers.
  • date: The email’s sending time in ISO 8601 format (or the original string if parsing fails).
  • html: String containing the HTML content of the email.
  • text: String containing the plain text content of the email.
  • attachments: Array of attachment objects:
    • filename
    • mimeType
    • disposition (e.g., "attachment", "inline", or null)
    • related (boolean, true if it’s an inline image)
    • contentId
    • content (array buffer or string, depending on attachmentEncoding)
    • encoding (e.g., "base64")

Utility Functions


import { addressParser } from 'postal-mime';

addressParser(addressStr, opts) -> Array
  • addressStr: A raw address header string.
  • opts: Optional configuration:
    • flatten (boolean, default: false): If true, ignores address groups and returns a flat array of addresses.

Returns: An array of address objects, which can be nested if address groups are present.


const addressStr = '=?utf-8?B?44Ko44Od44K544Kr44O844OJ?= <>';
// [ { name: 'エポスカード', address: '' } ]


import { decodeWords } from 'postal-mime';

decodeWords(encodedStr) -> string
  • encodedStr: A string that may contain MIME encoded-words.

Returns: A Unicode string with all encoded-words decoded.


const encodedStr = 'Hello, =?utf-8?B?44Ko44Od44K544Kr44O844OJ?=';
// Hello, エポスカード


© 2021–2025 Andris Reinman

postal-mime is licensed under the MIT No Attribution license.