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Pascal Heus edited this page Jan 11, 2023 · 3 revisions

Physical Model

The following tables are defined for the primary storage of all the knowledge based resources. Note that these tables are never programatically accessed directly, all interactions being made through views. This enables us to reorganized the physical model as needed down the road (e.g. for performance).

graph TD;


This is the primary storage for the resources and holds the identifiers, the data and metadata JSON, and few extra helper fields.

View definition
create table if not exists tbl_resource(
id varchar, -- the resource identifier
uri  varchar primary_key, -- the resource URI
class varchar, -- the resources class 
kb_id varchar, -- the knowlegde base identifier
collection_id varchar, -- the collection identifier
repo_path varchar, -- the resource directory path in the knowledge base repository
json_data jsonb,  -- the resource JSON data
json_data_size bigint, -- the size of the data in bytes
json_meta jsonb, -- the resource metadata
updated timestamp -- the date/time the resource was updated 


This table is used add attachments to a resource, typically JSON files holding resource specific information such as extended metadata or analytical reports. The nature of the content is informed by the attachment_type, which currently can be:

  • oas.validation: Output from the OAS schema validation (only when errors are reported)
  • ingest.meta: extra metadata captured by the resource harvesting agent (can vary depending on the collection or harvester)
View definition
create table if not exists tbl_resource_attachment(
uri varchar,
attachment_type varchar,
json_data jsonb,
json_data_size bigint,
updated timestamp

OAS Views


All OpenAPI resources are exposed through this base view, which simply filter the core resource table by the knowledge base identifier (oas).

View definition
create or replace view vw_oas_resource as 
select *, from tbl_resource where kb_id = 'oas'


Presents a logical view or the attachments for the OpenAPI resources.

View definition
select resource.repo_path, attachment.* from tbl_resource_attachment as attachment
join vw_oas_resource as resource on attachment.uri = resource.uri


This view joins valid OpenAPI2 resources their host property, presenting one record per host. It includes the host, basePath, and scheme properties, as well as flags indicating if the entry is a localhost, dnshost, or relative path, and if the protocol is http or https.

View definition
create or replace view vw_oas_resource_host as
select uri, json_meta, 
	(json_data->>'host') as host, (json_data->>'basePath') as basepath, (json_data->>'schemes') as schemes,
	case when (json_data->>'host') ilike 'localhost' or (json_data->>'host') ilike '' then 1 else 0 end as is_localhost,
	case when (json_data->>'host') not ilike '%localhost%' and  (json_data->>'host') not ilike '%' then 1 else 0 end as is_dnshost,
	case when (json_data->>'host') is null and (json_data->>'basePath') is not null then 1 else 0 end as is_relative,
	case when (json_data->'schemes') ? 'http'then 1 else 0 end as is_http,
	case when (json_data->'schemes') ? 'https'then 1 else 0 end as is_https
from vw_oas_resource
where json_meta->'isValid' = 'true' and (json_data->'host' is not null or json_data->'basePath' is not null)


This view joins valid OpenAPI3 resource their servers property array, presenting one record per server. It includes the url, protocol, and host properties, as well as flags indicating if the entry is a localhost, dnshost, template host, or relative path, and if the protocol is http or https.

View definition
create or replace view vw_oas_resource_servers as
select uri, json_meta,
	url, protocol, host,
	case when host ilike 'localhost' or host ilike '' then 1 else 0 end as is_localhost,
	case when host !~ '{' and host not ilike '%localhost%' and  host not ilike '%' then 1 else 0 end as is_dnshost,
	case when host ~ '{' then 1 else 0 end as is_templatehost,
	case when url ilike '/%' then 1 else 0 end as is_relative,
	case when protocol ilike 'http' then 1 else 0 end as is_http,
	case when protocol ilike 'https' then 1 else 0 end as is_https,
from (
	uri, json_meta,
	server->>'url' as url,
	(regexp_match(server->>'url','^(.*):\/\/'))[1] as protocol,
	(regexp_match(server->>'url','^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:[^@\/\n]+@)?(?:www\.)?([^:\/?\n]+)'))[1] as host,
from (
	select uri, json_meta, jsonb_array_elements(json_data->'servers') as server
	from vw_oas_resource
	where json_meta->'isValid' = 'true' and json_data->'servers' is not null
) as t1
) as t2


This view stacks the vw_oas_resource_host and vw_oas_resource_servers to produces a distinct list of OpenAPI and their top level domain names. This only includes DNS based hosts (excludes localhost, relative paths, template based hosts, and IP addresses).

View definition

create or replace view vw_oas_resource_tld as
select * from 
select distinct uri, (regexp_match(host,'(?:.*\.)?(\w+\.\w+)$'))[1] as tld from vw_oas_resource_host where is_dnshost = 1
select distinct uri, (regexp_match(host,'(?:.*\.)?(\w+\.\w+)$'))[1] as tld from vw_oas_resource_servers where is_dnshost = 1
) as t1
where tld ~ '[a-zA-Z]'


This view joins all valid OpenAPI resources with their security property array, presenting one record per entry.

View definition
create or replace view vw_oas_resource_security as 
select uri, json_meta, position, security
from vw_oas_resource as resource, jsonb_array_elements(resource.json_data->'security') with ordinality security(security, position)
where json_meta->'isValid' = 'true'


This view joins all valid OpenAPI2 resources with their securitydefinitions property array, presenting one record per entry. It is designed to be stackable with the vw_oas_resource_components_securityschemes view.

View definition
create or replace view vw_oas_resource_securitydefinitions as
select uri, class, json_meta, schemes.key, schemes.value
from vw_oas_resource as resource, jsonb_each(resource.json_data->'securityDefinitions') schemes
where json_meta->'isValid' = 'true'
order by uri


This view joins all valid OpenAPI3 resources with their components/securityschemes property array, presenting one record per entry. It is designed to be stackable with the vw_oas_resource_securitydefinitions view.

View definition
create or replace view vw_oas_resource_components_securityscheme as
select uri, class, json_meta, schemes.key, schemes.value
from vw_oas_resource as resource, jsonb_each(resource.json_data->'components'->'securitySchemes') schemes
where json_meta->'isValid' = 'true'
order by uri


A helper view that provides one record for every validation error found in the invalid OpenAPI resources.

View definition
select repo_path, uri, 
(jsonb_array_elements(json_data)->'path')[0] as section,
jsonb_array_elements(json_data)->'path' as path, 
jsonb_array_elements(json_data)->>'message' as message, 
jsonb_array_elements(json_data) as error 
from vw_oas_resource_attachment
where attachment_type = 'oas.validation'