Graph database written in Go .... or rather a POC for a graph database written in Go :)
Graphed supports both in-memory and persistent storage options:
- In-Memory Storage: Fast, but data is lost when the program exits
- Persistent Storage: Stores data on disk for durability and recovery
The persistent storage implementation includes:
- Chunked storage for efficient I/O
- Write-ahead logging (WAL) for crash recovery
- In-memory indexes for fast lookups
- Automatic chunk management
// Create a new in-memory store
store := graphed.NewNodeStore()
// Add nodes
store.AddNode("root", "")
store.AddNode("child", "root")
// Add values
store.AddToValues("child", []byte("some data"))
// Retrieve nodes
node, err := store.Node("child")
if err != nil {
// Handle error
// Create a new persistent store
dataDir := "/path/to/data"
store, err := graphed.NewNodeStoreAdapter(dataDir)
if err != nil {
// Handle error
defer store.Close() // Important: Close to ensure data is flushed
// Use the same API as in-memory store
store.AddNode("root", "")
store.AddNode("child", "root")
store.AddToValues("child", []byte("persistent data"))
// Data will be saved to disk automatically
// Custom chunk size (default is 100 nodes per chunk)
store, err := graphed.NewNodeStoreAdapter(dataDir, graphed.WithChunkSize(500))
Not sure if this makes sense, but a thing to check out further.
Implemented, but should be refactored to to use the same function, and rather choose to have a storage interface as an argument.
- Time index?
- Implement a dedicated time index/hashmap?
- Time-bucket, query logs by day/hour ranges?