An aggregation of links that summarize RustConf 2020. Pull requests welcome!
Hosted by Nell Shamrell-Harrington.
Opening Keynote - Niko Matsakis, Mark Rousskov, Aidan Hobson Sayers, Ashley Williams, Nick Cameron
- Video
- Slides
- Captions
- Links from the speakers
- Play tag with ferris
- Firefox's codebase language stats
- GoGaRuCo 2014 - Let’s Talk About Rust by Yehuda Katz
- Learning systems programming with Rust by Julia Evans
- Shape of errors to come by Jonathan Turner
- Rust's Code of Conduct
- "Where is the rust community allowed to talk about changes" thread on Reddit
- rustc Dev Guide
- Rust RFCs
- Eternal September
- Why the developers who use Rust love it so much
- Rust RFC: Edition 2021 and beyond
- Opening up the Core Team agenda
- Rust RFC: rust-analyzer as our official LSP
- awesome-rust-mentors
- Links from the community
Error Handling Isn't All About Errors - Jane Lusby
- Video
- Slides
- Captions
- Links from the speaker
- Awesome Rust Mentors
- eyre - A trait object based error handling type for easy idiomatic error handling and reporting in Rust applications
- color-eyre - Custom hooks for colorful human oriented error reports via panics and the eyre crate
- The #[must_use] attribute
- The Error trait
- thiserror - derive(Error) for struct and enum error types
- displaydoc - A derive macro for implementing the display Trait via a doc comment and string interpolation
- snafu - Easily assign underlying errors into domain-specific errors while adding context
- anyhow - Flexible concrete Error type built on std::error::Error
- The #[non_exhaustive] attribute
- fehler - a library to add support for "throwing functions" to Rust through procedural macros
- tracing-error - Application level tracing for Rust
- extracterr - Helpers for bundling context with errors and later extracting said context thru dyn Error trait objects
- Links from the community
How to Start a Solo Project that You’ll Stick With - Harry Bachrach
Under a Microscope: Exploring Fast and Safe Rust for Biology - Samuel Lim
- Video
- Slides
- Captions
- Links from the speaker
- RNA-Seq
- pico-args - An ultra simple CLI arguments parser
- structopt - Parse command line arguments by defining a struct
- nom - Rust parser combinator framework
- logos - Create ridiculously fast Lexers
- pest - a general purpose parser written in Rust with a focus on accessibility, correctness, and performance
- FASTQ Format - a text-based format for storing both a biological sequence (usually nucleotide sequence) and its corresponding quality scores
- Gene Transfer Format
- Browser Extensible Data Format
- Sequence Alignment Map Format
- needletail - a MIT-licensed, minimal-copying FASTA/FASTQ parser and k-mer processing library for Rust
- rayon - a data-parallelism library for Rust
- Links from the community
Bending the Curve: A Personal Tutor at Your Fingertips - Esteban Kuber
- Video
- Slides
- Captions
- Links from the speaker
- Rust Official Discord Server
- Learning Curves (for different programming languages)
- Compiler Error Messages Considered Unhelpful: The Landscape of Text-Based Programming Error Message Research
- Rust RFC: Type Ascription
- Mind your language: On novices'interactions with error messages
- rustc --explain (official CLI docs)
- rustc --explain (Learning Rust)
- Links from the community
My First Rust Project: Creating a Roguelike with Amethyst - Micah Tigley
- Video
- Slides
- Captions
- Links from the speaker
- The Rust Programming Language Book
- DragonRuby GTK
- - Game Development in Rust
- amethyst - Data-driven game engine written in Rust
- What is ECS?
- specs::DenseVecStorage
- dungeontileset-ii - a downloadable tileset
- Micah's blog - Creating a Simple Spritesheet Animation with Amethyst
- image-rs - Encoding and decoding images in Rust
- Micah's sprite animation demo
- Micah's blog - Running Animation
- Micah's blog - Camera Follow System
- Links from the community
Controlling Telescope Hardware with Rust - Ashley Hauck
- Video
- Slides
- Captions
- Links from the speaker
- Ashley's space pics
- serialport - A cross-platform serial port library in Rust
- rust-bindgen - Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C (and some C++) libraries
- std::sync::mpsc - Multi-producer, single-consumer FIFO queue communication primitives
- scopie - Astrophotography control software for khyperia's setup
- Links from the community
Macros for a More Productive Rust - jam1garner
- Video
- Slides
- Captions
- Links from the speaker
- cargo-expand - Subcommand to show result of macro expansion
- The Little Book of Rust Macros - Daniel Keep
- paste - Macros for all your token pasting needs
- syn - Parser for Rust source code
- quote - Rust quasi-quoting
- darling - a Rust proc-macro attribute parser
- treeflection - a Rust library that provides pseudo-reflection for structs and enums
- inline-python - inline Python code directly in your Rust code
- swsh_randomizer - Experimental randomizer plugin for Pokemon Sword/Shield
- cpp-inherit - A macro for inheriting Rust structures from C++ classes. Nothing valued is here
- Links from the community
Rust for Non-Systems Programmers - Rebecca Turner
- Video
- Slides
- Code
- Links from the speaker
- Working memory
- rustdoc
- mdBook
- structopt - Parse command line arguments by defining a struct
- eyre - A trait object based error handling type for easy idiomatic error handling and reporting in Rust applications
- reqwest - An easy and powerful Rust HTTP Client
- serde-json - Strongly typed JSON library for Rust
- PragmataPro - Rebecca's font for code in her talk
- Links from the community