Sends a Telegram message every time a new item is found in an RSS feed file. Also posts it to Facebook, Twitter and sends a notification to an Android app and keeps a log of every event.
I use it to connect the content published in a web site with its social networking accounts. Every time one of these events happens I receive a Telegram message. The program is ran through a cron job and produces no screen output but keeps a log of every event.
This code uses:
- unreal4u/telegram-api: Telegram bot API implementation for PHP
- facebook/php-graph-sdk: The Facebook SDK for PHP
- abraham/twitteroauth: The most popular PHP library for use with the Twitter OAuth REST API.
- Seldaek/monolog: Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services.
- pqrs/checkrss: My repo to check RSS feed for new items.
git clone
Alternatively, add the dependencies directly to your composer.json file:
"require": {
"pqrs/checkrss": "dev-master",
"unreal4u/telegram-api": "~2.3",
"facebook/graph-sdk" : "5.x",
"abraham/twitteroauth": "^0.7.4",
"monolog/monolog": "^1.23"
Then add to your php code:
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // Autoload files using Composer autoload
use CheckRSS\RSS;
Let's see it with an example. Create a file rssnotifier.php in the root diretory and let's start with the RSS feed URL you want to check:
define( "TIMEZONE", "Europe/Madrid" ); // Your timezone
define( "RSS_FEED", "" ); // The RSS feed URL
Now, put your Telegram User Id and the Auth Token for your Telegram bot:
define( "TELEGRAM_USER_ID", "XXXXXXXX" ); // Your telegram User ID
That's enough for now. Now we are going to check the RSS feed for new items. If there are new ones, we are going to send it to our Telegram through our bot:
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // Autoload files using Composer autoload
include __DIR__ . '/includes/functions.php';
use CheckRSS\RSS;
$rss = new RSS;
// Gets all the items published in the rss feed and stores them in $items
$items = $rss->getItems(RSS_FEED);
// Checks which items are new since last check
if ($newitems = $rss->getNewItems($items) ) {
foreach ($newitems as $value) {
post2telegram(TELEGRAM_USER_ID, BOT_AUTH_TOKEN, "NEW ITEM: " . $value->title); // Sends item title to telegram
logit( "RSS", "New item found -> $value->title", "info" );
} else {
logit( "RSS", "No new items found", "info" );
Whether there are new items in the feed or not, we write a message to our log with the logit() function. You'll find the log in your root directory too, named rssnotifier.log.
If we want to post the new found item to our facebook page we must add this definitions under the Telegram defines above:
And now, inside the foreach loop, under the logit( "RSS", "New item found [...] line we wrote before:
$linkData = [ // Sends item link & description to FB page
'link' => $value->link,
'message' => strip_tags($value->description),
if (post2facebookpage(APP_ID, APP_SECRET, GROUP_ID, PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN, $linkData)) {
post2telegram(TELEGRAM_USER_ID, BOT_AUTH_TOKEN, "PUBLICADO EN FACEBOOK: " . $value->title . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . strip_tags($value->description) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $value->link );
logit( "Facebook", "New publication in Facebook -> $value->title", "info" );
} else {
post2telegram(TELEGRAM_USER_ID, BOT_AUTH_TOKEN, "ERROR: No se pudo publicar en Facebook la noticia '" . $value->title . "'" );
logit( "Facebook", "Couldn't publish to Facebook -> $value->title", "error" );
If you want to publish in your personal page instead of a fan page, you shoud use the function post2facebookpersonalwall(). You'll only need to pass the parameters APP_ID, APP_SECRET and of course $linkdata.
For Twitter, first we add the definitions under the Facebook ones:
And then we call the post2twitter function, inside the foreach loop, under the Facebook code we saw above:
if (post2twitter( CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_SECRET, $value->title . " " . $value->link ) ) {
post2telegram(TELEGRAM_USER_ID, BOT_AUTH_TOKEN, "PUBLICADO EN TWITTER: " . $value->title . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . strip_tags($value->description) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $value->link );
logit( "Twittter", "New tweet -> $value->title", "info" );
} else {
post2telegram(TELEGRAM_USER_ID, BOT_AUTH_TOKEN, "ERROR: No se pudo publicar en Twitter la noticia '" . $value->title . "'" );
logit( "Twitter", "Couldn't publish to Twitter -> $value->title", "error" );
Finally, for the Android notifications, we define the API access key from Google API's Console:
And, as usual, inside the foreach loop, under the Twitter code:
if (androidnotification( API_ACCESS_KEY, $value->title ) ) {
logit( "Android", "New Android notification -> $value->title", "info" );
} else {
post2telegram(TELEGRAM_USER_ID, BOT_AUTH_TOKEN, "ERROR: No se pudo enviar a dispositivos Android '" . $value->title . "'" );
logit( "Android", "Couldn't notify to Android app -> $value->title", "error" );
In further revisions of this repository I will write about how you can get all these keys and create Twitter and Facebook applications.
You can find the file we have just created in tests folder.
- PHP 7
- An RSS feed to start it all
And, at least, one of these:
- A Facebook personal or fan page and a Facebook application to connect with
- A Twitter account and a Twitter application to connect with
- A Telegram account and a Telegram bot
- An Android application
Contributions are of course very welcome!
- unreal4u/telegram-api: Copyright © 2016 Camilo Sperberg
- facebook/php-graph-sdk: Copyright © 2017 Facebook, Inc.
- abraham/twitteroauth: Copyright © 2009 Abraham Williams - -
- Seldaek/monolog: Copyright © 2011-2017 Jordi Boggiano - -
- pqrs/checkrss: Copyright © 2018 Alvaro Piqueras - pqrs
This project and all the repositories used are licensed under the MIT License except for facebook/php-graph-sdk.
Please see the Facebook SDK for PHP (v5) license file for more information.