Use these scripts to retrieve ZATTOO Live TV channels, channel logo images and EPG files. The created files can be processed by tvHeadend; the channels will be played back via Kodi etc. Additionally, you can watch Live TV and PVR recordings via VLC on Linux desktop PCs.
- Ad free channel switch also in Zattoo Free
- tvHeadend: Set PVR timers, unrestricted timeshift mode
- Download Zattoo recordings to local/external storage (watch recordings offline on all devices)
- any Linux-based OS, e.g. Ubuntu, Debian
If you like my script, please - thank you! :-)
Please visit the tvHeadend project page to get more information.
Please run the commands below to setup the script. "Sudo" is not required on user "root".
# Install all recommended applications to setup the ztvh environment completely:
sudo apt-get install phantomjs uni2ascii libxml2-utils ffmpeg vlc socat iputils-ping crontab curl wget unzip perl perl-doc dialog
# Install CPAN and the required modules to parse JSON files
sudo cpan App:cpanminus
sudo cpanm install JSON
sudo cpanm install utf8
# Create a directory called "ztvh" in your home folder:
mkdir ~/ztvh
# Download the .zip file and extract the files into the "ztvh" folder:
# Unzip the file:
# Move all script files to the created ztvh folder
mv ~/zattoo_tvh-0.5.8/* ~/ztvh/
# Set system-wide permissions to the folder and its related files
sudo chmod 0777 ~/ztvh
sudo chmod 0777 ~/ztvh/*
# Run the main script to enter the setup screen in terminal
bash ~/ztvh/
- If you choose option 1, please enter the email address and the password.
- If you choose option 2, please enter the website of your provider first, then enter the username and the password.
Please hit the CANCEL button to save the current settings.
- enable the option to grab channel logo images
- enable the option to grab EPG data and choose the related time period (1-14 days)
- use the simple mode to receive EPG faster (title, subtitle, image, genre)
- use the extended mode to also download broadcast decriptions
- enable the option to download XMLTV files with complete broadcast information (only available for Zattoo users)
- MINIMUM (600 kBit/s)
- LOW (900 kBit/s)
- MEDIUM (1,5 MBit/s)
- HIGH (3 MBit/s)
- MAXIMUM (5-8 MBit/s)
Please hit the CANCEL button to exit the dialog menu of the script.
- watch the channels via VLC media player
- retrieve the full list of available PVR recordings
- watch the broadcast of your choice via VLC media player (only available on desktop PCs with GUI)
- download the broadcast of your choice to local storage
- pro tip: change the download directory in file ~/ztvh/user/options (line: recfolder)
- Open the tvHeadend webpage - go to menu option "Configuration" > "DVB inputs" > "Networks"
- Click on "Add" button to add a new IPTV source
- Choose "IPTV Automatic Network" and enter a network name
- Fill in the fields as follows:
"Maximum # input streams" = 1 # for Zattoo FREE
= 2 # for Zattoo PREMIUM
= 4 # for Zattoo ULTIMATE
"URL" = file:///home/<user>/ztvh/channels.m3u
# enter your PC username instead of "<user>"
"Icon base URL" = file:///home/<user>/ztvh
# enter your PC username instead of "<user>"
- Accept your settings by clicking on "Save" button. tvHeadend will do a channel scan automatically.
- Go to menu option "Configuration" > "Channel/EPG" > "EPG Grabber Modules" and enable "External: XMLTV"
- Go to menu option "Configuration" > "Channel/EPG" > "Channel" > "Map services" > "Map all services" and map the services
- Run the following command:
cat /home/<user>/ztvh/<file> | socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/home/<user>/.hts/tvheadend/epggrab/xmltv.sock
# enter your PC name instead of "<user>"
# enter the file name "zattoo_fullepg.xml" or "zattoo_ext_fullepg.xml" instead of "<file>"
- tvHeadend will process the EPG XMLTV file automatically.
- Please use crontab to update the session ID cookie on your device
# Enter this command to enter the settings of crontab
crontab -e
# Setup to run the script daily at 3 AM
0 3 * * * ~/ztvh/
- Please use sudo crontab to update the EPG data in tvHeadend automatically
# Enter this command to enter the admin settings of crontab ("sudo" not required for user "root")
sudo crontab -e
# Setup to update the EPG twice (recommended to update the EPG schedule times correcty)
0 6 * * * cat /home/<user>/ztvh/<file> | socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/home/hts/.hts/tvheadend/epggrab/xmltv.sock
5 6 * * * cat /home/<user>/ztvh/<file> | socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/home/hts/.hts/tvheadend/epggrab/xmltv.sock
# enter your PC name instead of "<user>"
# enter the file name "zattoo_fullepg.xml" or "zattoo_ext_fullepg.xml" instead of "<file>"
Contact me for support via email:
FAQ section to follow :-)