🔭 I’m currently working on Data Science and Machine learning
🌱 I’m currently learning Cloud Computing and Virtualisation
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Automation
🤝 I’m looking for help with Machine learning
💬 Ask me about Python, Matlab, DevOps, AWS
📫 How to reach me pradipnathece@gmail.com
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Two_dimensional_data_visualization PublicThis repository for different kinds of Data science and Machine learning project
Jupyter Notebook 1
Weather_forecast_data_analysis PublicUsing decision trees and random forest algorithms to solve real-world data analysis. "sklearn_decision_trees_random_forests"
Jupyter Notebook 1
Robotic-arm-automation PublicThis project focuses on Python programming for the robot controlled by automated systems in the Linux platform.
Python 2
Invantory_Management_System PublicThis project consists of an Inventory Management System powered by Flask Python.
Interactive_Analytics_Data_Automation PublicThis project allows users to control complex dataset processing with Python programming by merging Streamlit with Plotly for visualizations.
Python 1
Contact_Book_Management_System PublicThis project developing a Command-Line Interface (CLI) project using Python for a Contact Book Management System.
Python 1
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