A package which allows to enter text which can be collapsed and expanded. Moreover, it will automatically parse the urls present in the text into hyperlinks.
- Expandable and Collapsable text.
- Trimming can either be done on basis of length or number of lines.
- Option to include a customised delimiter.
- Automatically parses the urls present in the text into hyperlinks which launches the browser on click event.
- All the text components including the parsed urls, delimiter, clickable texts, etc can be given seperate custom styles.
Run this command in your terminal
flutter pub add parsed_readmore
Or add it manually in your project's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get):
import 'package:parsed_readmore/parsed_readmore.dart';
The code below will implement all features of the widget with the default values which are :
- trimMode = TrimMode.length
- delimiter = ' ...'
- trimLength = 240
- trimExpandedText = 'show less',
- trimCollapsedText = 'read more',
If you need to use some customized values for different elements of the widget just add values to the relevant parameters.
urlTextStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.green, fontSize: 20, decoration: TextDecoration.underline),
trimMode: TrimMode.line,
trimLines: 4,
delimiter: ' ***',
delimiterStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.black, fontSize: 20),
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.orange, fontSize: 20),
trimCollapsedText: 'expand',
trimExpandedText: 'compress',
moreStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.red, fontSize: 20),
lessStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.blue, fontSize: 20),
Please file any issues, bugs or feature request as an issue on the GitHub page. If you have some idea for feature upgrade, feel free to contact me through email aashish.260401@gmail.com.