Submission for a data analytics project for college.
Dataset chosen: Zomato bangalore restaurants The dataset was too big to upload onto github, so please refer to this link to download the dataset before running the python script File performs exploratory data analysis on the zomato.csv dataset Plots graphs for: 1)Heatmap between our input variables 2)Popular locations 3)Popular cuisines 4)Restaurants Rate and Booktable service 5)Density of approx cost for two people Performs Data preprocessing, Splits data into training and validation Uses Random Forest Regressor as the machine learning model, which it trains over the train split. Also outputs the feature importance graph and the scores for the top few most important features
Hyperparameters: n_estimators: The number of trees in the forest n_features: The number of top most important features for the RF model *locality: locality to explore deeper into
*Code allows User to uncomment and edit a few lines and run to gain insight on important features for highly rated restaurants in specific localities. To edit: set locality parameter to desired locality uncomment lines 17, 52,53,118