- Online Judge for Programs written in C/Haskell
- ESC101 Project
- Backend for Time and Correctness : February 1, 2016
- Backend for Memory : February 22, 2016
- Backend + Frontend for User sign in and submission of Code via web : March 5, 2016
- Backend + Frontend for Jury : March 5, 2016
- Optimization of Judgement using Multiple threads : March 2, 2016
- Basic checks for Safe code : March 15, 2016
- Deployment : March 15, 2016
- Frontend - User management part : Flask interconnected to Haskell using Bash
- Backend for Correctness, Time, Memory, Optimization: Haskell
- The folder Judge contains the entire haskell backend for the Judgement
- The learning folder contains Haskell files used while going through the tutorials.
- THe Assignment 1 folder contains solutions to the assignment sent.
- app.py and other python files are for the file server.
- The bash code is for interlinking the Python front end with Judgement Haskell backend.
- Log files are all text, but actual management is done via the mysql database.
- the setup file contains the mysql procedures required to be present in the mysql environment for Flask to do it's job
- templates contains html files embedded with jinja for embedding elements that take input from the web server and depend on the state of the system and the request.
- The code has been tested for multiple users but just one question due to lack of innovation on the front of creating questions and test cases.
- Scalability is still an issue, while reliability is not.