The brushless DC (BLDC) motor is a 3-phase motor which we do with sensor. BLDC (Brushless DC) motor speed control with rpm display system is a system, that offers the BLDC motor to run at different speeds and display this speed on LCD display. The importance of BLDC motor is increasing day by day because it has been mostly used in industries for different applications such as spinning, drilling and elevators. Similarly, its speed control is also too much important. Different companies are making their motor drive circuits with different types of controllers. But their cost is so much high and its operating system is quite difficult. Here we are offering a system that is called a BLDC motor speed control with RPM display system with the help of Aurdino and ESC.LCD display bridge rectifier , voltage regulator and IR sensors. In this system, the speed of BLDC motor is controlled by changing the duty ratio of supplying voltages. This system is less costly, quite simple and control the speed of BLDC motor more precisely with displaying of on LCD display. So here we use Aurdino and ESC to control the speed of BLDC motor with the help of potentiometer. Since these motors have the ability to work with the available low voltage sources such as 12v DC supply. It makes the brushless DC motors fans convenient for use in electronic equipment computers, mobile equipment, vehicles and spindle drives for disk memory, because of its high reliability, efficiency and ability to reverse rapidly. The speed control ofthe BLDC motors is archived by varying the duty cycles (PWM Pulses) from the keypad and delivers the desired output to switch the motor driver so as to control the speed of the BLDC motor. The speedsensed by the ‘IR’ sensor is given to the microcontroller to display it on the (LCD) display
Objective: The objective of our project is to control the speed of a brushless DC (BLDC) motor with the help of a microcontroller. We will be using Arduino in our project for the speed control and RPM monitor that offers the BLDC motor to run at different speeds and displays this speed on LCD display.
• In this project Controlling the motor can be done accurately. • It displays its speed using IR method of speed sensor mechanism. • This system provides an efficient mechanism for increasing or decreasing the speed. • To control the rotation, adjust the magnitude and direction of the current into the coils in the BLDC motor