This repository contains the code for generating figures presented in the paper titled "The cost of fungicide resistance evolution in multi-field plant epidemics".
The repository includes all the necessary code and data to reproduce the figures. The final figures are also provided in the respective folders for convenience. The code is organized in folders corresponding to the figure numbers mentioned in the main manuscript. The code is written in a combination of Matlab and Python.
The numerical simulations, data generation, and figure production code can be found in the respective folders. For analytical computations, the code to generate expressions for the basic reproduction number
To reproduce the figures, follow the instructions provided in the corresponding folders. The code utilizes software packages such as Matlab (version R2022b), Python (version 3.8.5) and Jupyter notebook (version 6.1.4) for numerical simulations and solving systems of differential equations.
Please refer to the research paper for more details on the methodology and findings.
For any questions or clarifications, feel free to reach out to the authors.
Thank you for your interest in our work!
- Prateek Verma, Email:
- Alexey Mikaberidze, Email:;
- Maria Bargués Ribera, Email:
- Chaitanya Gokhale, Email: