This repository contains the following relative pose estimation solvers, in C++ and Matlab API:
- The conventional 5-point algorithm (5P), wrapped from Hartley's well-known implementation.
- 4-point algorithm with a known rotation angle (4P-RA)
- 4-point algorithm under planar motion without knowing the plane direction (4P-ST0)
- 3-point algorithm with a known rotation angle and under planar motion without knowing the plane direction (3P-RA-ST0).
Compared to other relative pose estimation algorithms, 4P-RA, 4P-ST0 and 3P-RA-ST0 leverage extra sensor/motion constraits without requiring extrinsics calibration. This is due to the interesting property of SE(3) invariants.
This repository is the source code for the following paper:
title={Relative Pose Estimation of Calibrated Cameras with Known SE(3) Invariants},
author={Li, Bo and Martyushev, Evgeniy and Lee, Gim Hee},
Source code to derive different solver formulations compared in Table 3 in the paper. Automatic Generator and Generator for Automatic Polynomial Solvers are required to run these code.include
C++ API.matlab
Matlab API.perf
Source code for the experiment section in the paper.
The default CMakeLists.txt
requires Matlab to be installed to compile the Matlab API.
mkdir build && cd build
PATH=/usr/local/MATLAB/<version>/bin/:$PATH cmake ..