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New `pixi global`

No due date 41% complete

While we love pixi global for the simple tool installer it currently is. There is a set of improvements we've envisioned for it.

Main goal

Let users create more flexible global environments and make it easier to share/save the setup for other machines.

Key wishes for pixi global

  • A manifest file for all global environments/tools. ( ~ #1280)
  • A command to s…

While we love pixi global for the simple tool installer it currently is. There is a set of improvements we've envisioned for it.

Main goal

Let users create more flexible global environments and make it easier to share/save the setup for other machines.

Key wishes for pixi global

  • A manifest file for all global environments/tools. ( ~ #1280)
  • A command to sync the "global" manifest with the environments.
  • Multiple packages in one "global" environment. (#342)
  • Letting users specify which binaries to expose per environment. (#1017)

This milestone will be used to group issues and PR's
