Ring and filled Ripples on google maps for android.
Inspired from gursuasik/GoogleMapsRippleEffect
"GoogleMapsRippleEffect" is an awesome first of its type android library for showing a ripple on a google map, e.g show catchment area of an earthquake where ripples have been felt, give prominence to certain markers which need to be highlighted. Also add a ripple when your user is moving on the map and give a #PokemonGo type ripple effect. The example details of the same will be added soon.
Below samples show the ripple effect in action:
implementation 'com.github.premacck:GoogleMapRipples:1.0.0'
Just two lines of code :
Use startRippleMapAnimation()
and stopRippleMapAnimation()
methods to start and stop Animation respectively.
Example is given below (Preview shown above in first sample)
// mMap is GoogleMap object, latLng is the location on map from which ripple should start
MapRipple mapRipple = MapRipple(mMap, latLng, context);
mapRipple.startRippleMapAnimation() //in onMapReadyCallBack
override fun onStop() {
if (mapRipple.isAnimationRunning()) {
// Start Animation again only if it is not running
if (!mapRipple.isAnimationRunning()) {
Example is given below (Preview shown above in second sample)
// mMap is GoogleMap object, latLng is the location on map from which ripple should start
mapRipple = new MapRipple(mMap, latLng, context)
mapRipple.withStrokewidth(10) // 10dp
mapRipple.withDistance(2000) // 2000 metres radius
mapRipple.withRippleDuration(12000) //12000ms
// Use same procedure to stop Animation and start it again as mentioned anove in Default Ripple Animation Sample
// New functions:
// the repeat mode of ripple animation, can be ValueAnimator.RESTART or ValueAnimator.REVERSE.
// default value is ValueAnimator.REVERSE
// If true, ripple will fade out as it expands. Default value is true
Just one line of code is needed:
Use mapRipple.withLatLng(LatLng changedLatlng)
method anytime in future to update center of ripple.
// after implementing **LocationListener** interface to current class use:
override fun onLocationChanged(Location location) {
mapRipple.withLatLng(new LatLng(location.latitude, location.longitude))
Minimum Android SDK: This library requires a minimum API level of 16.