Release Notes
UI Fix for multi file upload and alignment (#58 )
Checkbox to Button for Enhance with AI for Root Requirements, User Stories and Tasks (#54 )
Allow users to export PRD (with stories and tasks), BRD, NFR, UIR and BP requirements (#52 )
Refactored the LLM module and added support for additional Bedrock models (#49 )
Font Updates and Styling Updates to Welcome Page (#34 )
Update methods to include AI in requirement, user story and task updates (#39 )
Removed FooterComponent and added new settings modal with improved UI and logout functionality (#51 )
Updated Header component layout, removed buttons and changed color scheme from secondary to slate (#51 )
Added company logo color configuration in environment files (#51 )
Updated branding from HAI BUILD to Specifai across configuration, assets, documentation and app description (#47 )
Bug Fixes
Fix for task chat to stay on same page (#45 )
Margin and disable buttons for invalid forms (#57 )
Keep the user on the same page after business process update (#46 )
Prevent solution creation with spaces-only input in required fields by trimming values before form submission (#53 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.